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Help, Healing, and the Healer Himself - Blessed Is She

Help, Healing, and the Healer Himself

The account of the blind man Bartimaeus (named for us in Mark 10:46-52) crying out to Jesus is one of my favorite Gospels for many reasons. I am always struck...
November 18, 2019
What's Real Perseverance? - Blessed Is She

What's Real Perseverance?

So much of the Christian life involves meaningful suffering—or at least perseverance in trying to find meaning in our personal suffering. We know Jesus makes our suffering fruitful, at least...
November 17, 2019
Not Afraid to Be a Bother - Blessed Is She

Not Afraid to Be a Bother

In my morning drive to work I often try to turn the radio down, pray a rosary, and tell the Lord the who and the what of all the desires...
November 16, 2019
Hiding in Plain Sight - Blessed Is She

Hiding in Plain Sight

I didn’t want to move to Colorado. Visiting was fine, but the stark landscape was so different from home. I was used to the lush greenery, rolling hills and winding...
November 15, 2019
The Kingdom of God Is Among Us - Blessed Is She

The Kingdom of God Is Among Us

Gratitude filled my being as I watched the red-orange sun slip slowly into the horizon of Lake Michigan from the deck of the vacation lodge. The others were chatting over...
November 14, 2019
Beyond All Praising - Blessed Is She

Beyond All Praising

Perhaps my favorite hymn is “O God Beyond All Praising.” Not only is the music absolutely magnificent, I find the words to be incredibly powerful. The first line alone, which...
November 13, 2019
No Allowance, But a Lot of Love - Blessed Is She

No Allowance, But a Lot of Love

My sister and I weren’t given an allowance for doing our chores growing up. My parents’ reasoning for this went something along the lines of “you’re allowed to have a...
November 12, 2019
Hey, I’m Talking to You! - Blessed Is She

Hey, I’m Talking to You!

When I first came to faith in Christ, I received a New Testament in which Jesus’ words appeared in red lettering. As a Jew who had only recently begun to...
November 11, 2019
Loving My Husband's Subsequent Wives - Blessed Is She

Loving My Husband's Subsequent Wives

I remember hearing the Gospel passage from today, Luke 20:27-38, as a blissful newlywed and not liking it one bit. Like, if we were at dinner, I would have had...
November 10, 2019
The Walls Around Us - Blessed Is She

The Walls Around Us

I sat on a cold, hard chair, listening to the sounds of hushed voices, the tap-tap of tourists shoes walking among pillars, and looked down and across the swirling pattern...
November 09, 2019
Convinced of Your Goodness - Blessed Is She

Convinced of Your Goodness

"I myself am convinced about you, my . . . sisters, that you yourselves are full of goodness" (Romans 15:14). Saint Paul is convinced of this. Are you convinced as...
November 08, 2019
A Little Dead Inside - Blessed Is She

A Little Dead Inside

I sat across the table from my friend and listened as she aired her grievances against the Church. She was living in a state of unrepentant mortal sin, of which...
November 07, 2019