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Bring that Light In
God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life. John 3:16 This may...
Eternal Life
Poor Nicodemus. Sometimes I don't know what Christ is talking about either, but usually when I do it's only because I'm on this side of the Resurrection. I've got two...
Filled with the Holy Spirit
When I pray for the Holy Spirit to fill me with His wisdom, I’m often blown away by just how powerful that prayer can be. It seems as if He...
Love and Mercy
His steadfast love endures forever . . . . His steadfast love endures forever . . . . His steadfast love endures forever. These soothing words are just what my...
Boldness. You know that thing that stirs in your heart, convicts your mind and comes bursting out of your mouth?! Yeah. Boldness. Peter and John in the First Reading today...
Getting Back to God
Sometimes I feel like I'm not good enough to be a Christian. There are some amazing men and women out there doing amazing things. Right now, people are on their...
Embracing that Cross
But you denied the Holy and Righteous One, and asked for a murderer to be granted to you . . . How many times have I denied what Christ has...
Don't Settle
Do you ever find yourself settling into spiritual complacency? Mass on Sunday. The occasional daily mass. Confession once a month. Ok, more like once every few months. It’s not great,...
Where Did God Go in Your Life?
What on earth? Why can't Mary Magdalene hug Jesus? She has undergone such tremendous suffering in the last few days. She, along with the beloved apostle John, and the Blessed...
We Choose Truth
Can you even imagine the chaos of that first day following the resurrection? For three long days, Jesus's friends had been wrapped in a heart-wrenching cloud of grief after watching...
Easter Sunday and He Is RISEN
Jesus is Risen! Alleluia! We have heard the Easter story so many times, it is easy to trivialize the magnitude of the Resurrection. I have been trying to put myself...
It's A Circle
Creator. Redeemer. Savior. If you managed to get through all of today’s readings without being completely overwhelmed, then please tell me your secret. The shear awe-inspiring, engulfing truth of our...