“For what great nation is there that has gods so close to it as the Lord, our God, is to us whenever we call upon him?” // Deuteronomy 4:7
Growing up in various Protestant denominations, I often heard the questions, “Do you know Jesus as your personal Savior?” and “Have you had a personal encounter with Jesus?” Altar calls and publicly proclaiming one’s belief were common in the churches I attended. And yet, I went through many periods of self-doubt and second guessing myself. Had I really felt a personal experience? Was I being fully accepting?
In the First Reading (see Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-8) Moses calls the Israelites to remember that the Lord is walking with their nation more intimately than any of the other false gods do. He reminds them God asks no more or no less than for them to follow His Commandments, decrees set in place so that they may live in His freedom and love.
This past February, I celebrated ten years of being in full communion with the Catholic Church, and now instead of parrying with my feelings, in times of doubt I can deduce with my mind what I know to be true: that yes, my Faith is personal.
Our Sacraments are physical acts we encounter personally with our senses even as they happen on a spiritual level. The water of Baptism poured over heads, the oils of Confirmation and Holy Unction marked onto foreheads, the priest’s words in Reconciliation taken in through our ears, and the bread and the wine is transubstantiated into the Eucharist, which we consume into our very being.
Jesus gifted the Church with these physical experiences that invite us to touch, to taste, and to see. And we know through them that our God is walking with us so that we may live fully alive.
I encourage you to memorize and have handy the Act of Faith, so if you encounter doubt, you have words ready to pray. It’s a beautiful prayer for you to hold a place for in your mind. And physically go and encounter Jesus in the Sacraments, especially Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist. Be personal with our Lord and let Him be personal with you.