"Ask and you will receive."
Do you need a few moments to yourself?
Do you need a good night's sleep?
Do you need to get some exercise?
Do you need a creative outlet?
Have you asked for this in prayer, yet?
"For everyone who asks, receives."
"Seek and you will find."
Do you seek life giving friendships?
Do you seek meaningful work?
Do you seek to be in your vocation?
Do you seek an adventure?
Have you sought this in prayer, yet?
"The one who seeks, finds."
"Knock and the door will be opened to you."
Do you feel stationary in prayer?
Do you feel bogged down in your work?
Do you feel trapped in pain?
Are you tired of waiting for a change?
Have you approached this in prayer, yet?
"To the one who knocks, the door will be opened" (Luke 11:9-10).
Dear sisters, our heavenly Father has His good gift of the Spirit for you today. Tomorrow. Forever. If you find yourself weary in the waiting, it's okay. Bring that to your prayer, too. He is with you in the wait.
During the Mass, the priest prays this prayer after the Our Father: "We wait the blessed hope and the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ." Sisters, the Good News is that you do not have to wait alone. We can unite our thoughts, feelings, and desires with Jesus and offer them to the Father, especially in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The entire mystical body is united together in prayer.
And you are not alone! The Church is asking with you. The Church is seeking with you. The Church is knocking with you.
Ask. Seek. Knock.
Receive. Find. Open.
Let's pause for a moment today to look closely into our hearts. Are there places where I have given up? Have I simply stopped asking for God to provide? May our Father grant you persistence in prayer and encouragement through the Mystical Body of Christ.
Rose Coleman is a contemplative in action who delights in all things beautiful. Her adventurous heart has traveled many places—from circumnavigating the globe on a ship during college to some years in the convent as a religious sister. Exuberant from her childhood, she is an elementary school teacher who learns so much from her students. You can find out more about her here. She is the author of our Blessed Conversations: Ways to Pray study found here.