Enter through the narrow gate . . . How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to life. And those who find it are few. // Matthew 7:13-14
When I read this verse in today’s Gospel, this saying of Saint Jane Frances de Chantal came to mind: “Hold your eyes on God and leave the doing to Him. That is all the doing you have to worry about.” Saint Jane was a wife and mother, as well as a nun and founder of a religious community later in her life. She lived through and persevered through a lot of suffering. She lived in the 1500s, was mentored by Saint Francis de Sales, and is known for experiencing spiritual dryness and anguish in her prayer life. And yet, in all of this she kept her eyes on God and the narrow gate leading to eternal life.
When we consider that the gate is narrow and the road is constricted, we might get caught up thinking of our own limitations and weaknesses—the things we know make it difficult for us to enter. But I think a more helpful way to pray with this verse would be to move our gaze from ourselves to God—and to invite Him to work through these things within us, striving to trust that He will. Striving to trust that He wants this for us (He does), and if we seek it, He can make it attainable.
Sister, we can’t become saints on our own, just looking to ourselves. We have to look towards the Lord, like Saint Jane recommended and did herself. We have to rely on God and know that it’s Him who strengthens us, and it will be Him and His graces that may allow us to enter that narrow gate. So today, let’s turn our focus towards the Lord who can do all things.