December 11, 2024 // Optional Memorial of Saint Damasus I, Pope
Read the Word // Open your Bible to today’s Gospel: Matthew 11:28-30
Reflect on the Word//
I took a deep breath in and exhaled a long sigh of exhaustion as I heard these words again: “Mary’s got it. She’ll take care of it in no time.” I was so worn down and tired, I was just ready to stop giving. I felt like I had no more capacity to do one more thing, to help one more person, to “take care of” one more thing.
I could feel my anxiety rising and it felt like I was on the verge of tears every moment. I just wanted to rest. I just wanted to not be needed—even for a little while. My cup was empty.
I brought this to the Lord, hoping maybe He would justify these feelings of frustration or this selfish feeling of not being recognized. I threw myself a little pity party—that is, until Jesus so gently interrupted it with these words: I will always give you the grace and strength to give of yourself again. I will fill your cup.
For so long, I had convinced myself that the only way I could give more of myself and feel filled up was if I took time to physically rest. Sure, that is absolutely necessary, but I forget too often to go to the One Who truly fills me.
When Jesus is speaking to the crowds at the end of Matthew 11, He offers them one gentle invitation—“Come to me” (Matthew 11:28). Within that invitation, Jesus offers such a beautiful gift that is to rest in Him. He becomes the place in which we find rest. He wants to help us carry what is heavy (even make it light!) and find rest.
As we continue to go to Him, we will find that He offers all the grace, patience, and joy we need to give again. He fills our cup. He fills us through the Sacraments, in life-giving conversations, physical rest, and through His Word.
Relate to the Lord // Spend time resting in Jesus’ presence today. If possible, stop by a Church or adoration chapel to rest in His Real Presence.