Have you ever heard of a rule of life? It’s a rhythm that sets the tone and pace of your days to keep your heart and calendar aligned with your priorities. Without a plan I’ve found it’s difficult to keep the “one thing” the main thing (see Luke 10:22). I can so easily get swept away by busyness (or boredom) and fail to do the things that both mean the most to me and make for a beautiful life.
If you, too, desire more fruitful days and a more peaceful mind, let me introduce you to the genius (and gorgeous) little book that helped me to make a rule and follow its rhythm all year long.
Why Praying + Planning is Better than Just Planning
I used to be a person that made lists and scrawled notes haphazardly: in the Notes app in my phone, my prayer journal, scraps of paper, and text messages to myself (yes, really). I knew I needed to organize my thoughts and life, but simply getting them down wasn’t enough. I needed a single place to design my schedule, make to-do lists, and keep myself accountable to the things the Lord was asking me to do.
You see, it wasn’t only my work and domestic duties that needed organization, but my spiritual life, too. Enter the Blessed is She liturgical planner to solve all of my scattered ways.
This year, a good and holy priest friend recommended that I make a desert day every month, so I turned to my planner to mark off one Saturday a month. With the date set (in pen!), I’ve been able to commit to going into the desert–or, in my case, a Poor Clare monastery–to spend the day with Jesus in silence and the Blessed Sacrament.
Similarly, for the past few years I attempted to go to Confession once a week. But without any planning or preparation, it ended up being every couple of weeks at best. Not anymore. Every Friday, I schedule in receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation right after daily Mass.
Not only have I been able to make a plan for my prayer life, the planner itself has become a part of my prayer life. Because in addition to discerning and jotting down my daily and monthly commitments, I am inspired by the Scripture verses and Saint quotes on every page and the prayer prompt each month allows me to move from my head to my heart.
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He Thirsts for You // The 2022-2023 Catholic Planner
This year’s Blessed is She liturgical planner is really an expression of my heart’s devotion.
Every year, we pray and ask the Lord His desires, His hopes for Blessed is She–and for me. At a revival night in Milwaukee last June, the Lord spoke a life-changing grace into my heart about water. A deep and living word that fueled my prayer for months. I suddenly became aware of the stream of water flowing through the story of salvation, from Genesis to Revelation. Water was everywhere! And water communicated the overflowing healing love and mercy of God and quenched the deepest desires of my seemingly insatiable heart.
The profoundly beautiful image of water flowing from the temple in Ezekiel 47 captured my imagination in prayer and from it, the RISE retreat was birthed. That Living Water became the inspiration for and understanding of the Spirit’s movement in and through Blessed is She. As I brought my own thirst to Jesus in prayer, I discovered the depths of His thirst for me, for all of us. From the Cross, Jesus cried out, “I thirst” and in that desperate plea He was calling out for the love of every single human soul, of your soul. Hence, the name of this year’s planner: He Thirsts for You.
It is my hope that every hand-selected Scripture, every wise word from one of our Saintly brothers and sisters would saturate the soil of your heart and nourish even the hardest or most barren places. That you would spend time with Jesus every month sharing this deep thirst within with Him, and satisfy His eternal thirst for you.
Don’t simply use this planner to schedule your days, pray with this planner to change your life.
A Size for Every Scenario
We’ve designed the original big, versatile mini, and stylish perfect-bound planner to fit any lifestyle, but the heart of each remains the same–to help you to encounter the Living Water and satisfy the thirst of the One Who made you and saves you.
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Be intentional in prayer and gratitude as you order your days in His peace. Let's wake up to our beautiful everyday life with the BIS Catholic Planner.
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