There is revival in the Catholic Church, happening right now.
Thousands recently gathered in Indianapolis, Indiana for the National Eucharistic Congress led by our bishops, priests, and religious. In the ocean of habits and clerical garb, a grand Catholic family reunion, orchestrated by the Holy Spirit, occurred. The graces from this gathering will travel into our parishes and dioceses and from there to the ends of the earth.
Heaven on Earth
The Congress felt as close to heaven on earth as anything I have experienced before. Eucharistic Adoration in Lucas Oil Stadium with over 50,000 faithful was glorious beyond words. Time truly felt like it stood still. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was celebrated with reverence and unity, the various speakers burned with passion for our Lord and His Church, and the lay participants rejoiced in the history we knew was taking place before us. From sacred music by Floriana putting every baby in the arena to sleep to tear-jerking stories told by sweet little Sisters in habits there was no shortage of rich Catholic culture.
Another highlight moment of the week was witnessing a group of young people rally together on the streets outside of the convention center where they belted ‘Praise’ by Elevation Worship at the top of their lungs. As they jumped up and down worshiping our Lord tears welled up in my eyes, because I realized the next generation has been set on fire for Christ and His Church.
I feel indebted to the work of our bishops in championing this Revival in the Catholic Church. Now more than ever, I want the whole world to know the gift we have in the Catholic Church. We are equipped by the Church to pursue our obligation to be vessels used to reveal the truth of Catholicism.
Revival is Happening Right Now—With You
Revival did not just happen in Indiana, it is happening now—right where you are.
May I propose to you, sister, three ways we can fulfill the mission of the National Eucharistic Revival? First, may we return to our Lord and be reunited with Him and His Church through the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession). “You can never have a revival without repentance,” said Father Mike Schmitz during his talk at the Congress. My favorite way to prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation is by praying through this Examination of Conscience. And of course, if you'd like a printed version, check out this Blessed is She Examination of Conscience.
Second, may we register at our local parish and faithfully give of our time, talent, and treasure—holding nothing back for the sake of the Kingdom. Being registered, tithing parishioners roots us in our local community in the most rightly-ordered way. To be nestled under the pastoral care of our parish priest, diocesan bishop, and the Magisterium is an incalculable gift. Faithfully investing ourselves into parish life can look like volunteering our time in a ministry, identifying and acting upon our unique gifts and talents, and providing for the material needs of the Church, according to our ability (CCC § 2043).
Share the Gift of the Eucharist
Lastly, could we choose just one person to tell about the gift of the Eucharist? A couple of years ago I was at coffee with a protestant friend of mine. Tears rolled down her cheeks and she choked on her words as she said to me, “Why did no one ever tell me about the Eucharist?” I sat on the other side of the table . . . speechless. My heart burned inside my chest. As a convert to the Catholic Faith, I understood what she was feeling. My Protestant friend had just discovered truth that could not be put back in its box. Sister, there are many people left in the world who do not know the truth of the Eucharist. Take heart, the Lord will guide you as you act with courage to share this truth.
G.K. Chesterton says, “The difficulty in explaining why I am a Catholic is that there are ten thousand reasons all amounting to one reason: that Catholicism is true.” As a former evangelical, non-denominational Christian, I am in awe of what I witnessed at the Eucharistic Congress. I often get asked why I converted to Catholicism—my answer is always the same . . . the Eucharist. It is the greatest gift I have ever been given.
Revival in the Catholic Church begins and ends with Him.
The Eucharist is Real
Dear sister, it is true . . . the Eucharist is real! We must now be on our way. Renewed with fire for the truth and filled with the joy of the Lord, let us go out to all the world and declare the Good News.