Welcome to the 2019 Prayer Pledge! We're so happy you're joining us. Check out this post for more details on the Prayer Pledge and to sign up to receive each day's reflections in your inbox. Let's jump in to Week One!
Week One // Prayer to the Holy Spirit by St. Augustine
Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit,
That my thoughts may all be holy.
Act in me, O Holy Spirit,
That my work, too, may be holy.
Draw my heart, O Holy Spirit,
That I love but what is holy.
Strengthen me, O Holy Spirit,
To defend all that is holy.
Guard me, then, O Holy Spirit,
That I always may be holy.
Week One Intention
We pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit within our own souls.
Week One // Day One
Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit,
That my thoughts may all be holy.
Merriam Webster has many definitions for the word "breathe." This includes the basic understanding of drawing air into our lungs and exhaling. But a few others to note are the definitions:
- to live
- to pause and rest before continuing
- to feel free of restraint
Of course our breath is what sustains our life, but I rarely stop to reflect on the fact that breathing necessitates pausing and resting. Not only this, but when we breathe mindfully, it encourages our body to be at peace, to relax and let go of control.
When my husband senses that I am overwhelmed or stressed he reminds me to breathe, and breathes deeply with me. At first, it felt silly to me to breathe deeply into my stomach and slowly, ever so slowly, let that breath out. Every time I do it, the end result is calmness and a greater sense of peace. I am freed of restraint.
Today, I invite the Holy Spirit to breathe in me, so that He may purify my thoughts. I know that when I invite Him to come He will transform my mind and soul and direct them towards Christ. In this transformation, more space will be created for the Lord to reign and less room for my own desire to control and dominate.
My encouragement for you today is that you will be more aware of your breath. And every so often, make your breath a prayer. Inhale, “Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit,” and exhale, “that my thoughts may all be holy.” Amen.
Prayer + Discussion for Prayer Partners
Consider sending your prayer partner a quick text today, reminding them to breathe with the Holy Spirit today. He is breathing with us, and when He does, we live more fully alive, and we live more freely. At the end of the day, follow-up with them and ask them if they noticed any difference in their day. Did their soul seem more at rest or their mind at ease?
And if you haven't found a prayer partner yet, it's not too late! Reach out to someone today!