A new decade dawns with this new day. The Light of the World brings forth new light and new mercies as we pass from one year to the next.
Perhaps you're greeting 2020 with a heart full of hope—eager to embrace possibilities and strive to achieve fresh goals. Perhaps you're limping into 2020—the last year leaving you feeling defeated physically, spiritually, emotionally, relationally, or mentally. Perhaps you're entering 2020 with trepidation, confusion, or apathy—uncertain about your direction for the next ten years.
Wherever you find yourself on this first day of the year, sister, you are in His Heart.
All for the Sacred Heart of Jesus
As a Blessed is She sisterhood, we long to enter this new year—this new decade—with our gaze fixed on Jesus. It is from His Heart that we receive His endless merciful love. We only find true peace and joy when our eyes are on Him. We only love because His Heart first loved us (see 1 John 4:19).
It's fitting, then, that we spend the first 31 days of this new year reflecting on the Sacred Heart of Jesus. For the first month of the year, we will gather together in spirit (and online) as a community to pray together. In reading about the Church's rich deposit of information about and reverence for the Sacred Heart, we will open our hearts wider to the love God has for each one of us.
What to Expect this Month
For the first three days of this month, I'll spend some time with you pondering what we know of the Heart of Christ and what it means to belong entirely to Him.
Then, starting on Saturday, we will spend each day praying through a piece that draws our minds and hearts to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
- On Saturdays, we will reflect on a prayer to the Sacred Heart.
- On Sundays, we will reflect on a song or hymn that dwells on God's love.
- On Mondays, we will reflect on a Scripture verse that illustrates the posture of God's Heart.
- On Tuesdays, we will reflect an image or work of art depicting the Sacred Heart.
- On Wednesdays, we will reflect on an excerpt from a Church document about the Sacred Heart.
- On Thursdays, we will reflect on a quote from a Saint about the Sacred Heart.
- On Fridays, we will reflect on ways to honor the Sacred Heart in our every day, as provided by the tradition of the Church.
A different Blessed is She blog writer will walk us through each week, providing four different perspectives on being beloved by the Heart of God and loving Him in return. Each day, they will present their thoughts in a short reflection, along with a prayer.
Prayer Partners
Finally, each day concludes with questions for consideration in your own heart and for discussion with your prayer partner. You and your prayer partner can chat about the questions or that day's reflection in person, over the phone, or in text/email/Messenger/Voxer. We also encourage you to pray with and for one another during these 31 days and beyond!
Other Ways to Participate
If you'd like to join in the joy of the Prayer Pledge in other ways, we would love for you to share your thoughts, reflections, or prayers on social media using the hashtag #prayerpledge.
Additionally, every night during the Prayer Pledge, one member of Blessed is She will go live on Instagram (around 9 p.m. eastern most nights) for a brief time of sharing and prayer with our community there. We'd love for you to hang out with us there!
You are in His Heart
Sisters, we're so excited to journey through the Prayer Pledge by your side. My prayer for you is that this month will bring you deeper into the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and that you would know with utmost certainty that you are loved in His Heart.
You are treasured in His Heart.
You are free in His Heart.
You are provided for in His Heart.
You are delighted in in His Heart.
You are safe in His Heart.
You are in His Heart.
Jesus, We Consecrate Ourselves to Your Sacred Heart
Let's close today with this prayer of consecration to the Sacred Heart:
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I consecrate myself to Your Most Sacred Heart.
Take possession of my whole being.
Transform me into Yourself.
Make my hands, Your hands,
my feet, Your feet
my heart, Your Heart.
Let me see with Your eyes,
Listen with Your ears,
Speak with Your lips,
Love with Your Heart,
Understand with Your mind,
Serve with Your will,
and be dedicated with my whole being.
Make me Your other self.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,
send me Your Holy Spirit to teach me to love You,
and to live through You, with You, in You and for You.
Come Holy Spirit, make my body Your temple.
Come and abide with me forever.
Give me the deepest love for the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
in order to serve Him with my whole heart,
soul, mind, and strength.
Take possession of my intellect,
understanding and will,
my memory and imagination.
O Holy Spirit of Love,
give me an abundance of Your efficacious graces.
Give me the fullness of Your seven-fold gifts,
fruits and beatitudes.
Most Holy Trinity, make my soul Your sanctuary.
For Discussion
Do you currently have a devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus? What does it look like?
How is your heart upon entering this new year? What are you most in need of from Jesus' Heart?
In His Heart: The 2020 Prayer Pledge // Day 1 #BISblog #prayerpledge //Click to tweet