As Catholics, we are blessed with the rich treasure of Scripture and Tradition that guides our faith. The Bible, the living and active Word of God, is the foundation upon which our beliefs are built. Yet, too often, we find ourselves disconnected from this Sacred Word, unsure how to approach it or read it. But, my dear friends, it is time to reclaim the Bible as a constant companion, a source of nourishment, and a means to deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ. Let's dive into praying with Scripture as often as we can.
The Necessity of a Personal Bible
We know as Catholics that the Bible is not merely a decorative piece to be displayed on a shelf or a coffee table. It is a living, breathing document that demands our attention, our time, and our devotion. As Catholics, we must embrace the Bible as our own, carrying it with us, opening it daily, and allowing its words to transform our hearts and minds.
Jenna shares the importance of this personal relationship with the Bible. "You need a Bible that you love and you're going to use," she emphasizes. "It's not just about hearing the readings at Mass or reading them on a website. You need this actual book, and you need to open it. You need to hear Jesus's words for yourself, and you need to come to know Jesus Christ in the word."
This call to action is a powerful one. We must not relegate the Bible to the sidelines of our faith, but rather embrace it as a vital and indispensable part of our daily lives. Whether it's carrying a Bible with us throughout the day or setting aside time to read and meditate on its words, the key is to make the Bible a constant companion in our journey of faith.
The Beauty of Praying with Scripture
Praying with Scripture is a transformative experience that can deepen our relationship with God and bring us closer to the heart of the Church. As Jenna shares, "When you read scripture, you really can't read it in isolation. You're reading under the Ark of all of Salvation history." The Church, guided by the Holy Spirit, has carefully curated the readings and liturgical seasons, allowing us to immerse ourselves in the grand narrative of God's love for humanity.
One practical suggestion Jenna offers is to read a Psalm as the last thing before going to bed. "Instead of looking at your phone, what if you just read a Psalm?" she asks. "You're kind of going to bed meditating on and marinating in the word." This simple practice can be a powerful way to end the day, allowing the words of Scripture to soothe our souls and prepare our hearts for the next day's journey.
Recommended Catholic Bibles
Jenna highlights two excellent Catholic Bible options that can enrich our experience of the word of God. The first is the NRSV Catholic Edition, which is what the Blessed is She Bible is! The second is the Ignatius Study Bible, which features in-depth commentary and insights from renowned Catholic scholars like Dr. Scott Hahn.
These Bibles offer a wealth of resources to deepen our understanding of the Scriptures and their connection to the rich tradition of the Catholic Church. Whether you choose the NRSV or the Ignatius Study Bible, the important thing is to find a Bible that speaks to your heart and that you will use regularly.
Embracing the Word of God
As we embark on this journey of rediscovering the beauty of the Catholic Bible, let's be reminded that "the Word either convicts or it comforts, sometimes it does both." The power of the Scriptures lies in its ability to challenge us, to comfort us, and to draw us ever closer to the heart of God.
Let's embrace the Bible as a constant companion, a source of nourishment, and a means to deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ. In doing so, we will discover the transformative power of the living and active word of God, and our lives will be forever changed.
Conclusion: A Call to Action for Praying with Scripture
My dear friends, the time has come to reclaim the Bible as a vital part of our Catholic faith. Let us heed the call to carry our Bibles with us, to open them daily, and to allow the word of God to shape our hearts and minds. Let us pray with Scripture, immersing ourselves in the rich tapestry of Salvation history and the guiding light of the Church.
As we embark on this journey, may the words of the Psalmist resonate within us: "To be near God is my happiness; to place my hope in God the Lord" (Psalm 73:28). Let us draw near to God through the power of His living and active Word, and may our lives be forever transformed by the beauty of the Scripture.

God is speaking to you through His Word. In this personal study, you will learn to hear God's voice by reading slowly and praying deeply.