The first time I was “stopped in my tracks” by Mother Teresa was when I was a teenager. I sat next to my mom to watch a documentary about her life that came up on television. Her genuine desire to leave all that she knew to go serve the Lord in a country that was not her own moved me. She was determined. She knew that if the Lord called her, she must not hesitate to respond. This theme would follow her for the rest of her life. Later, she made a vow under the pain of mortal sin (with the permission of her spiritual director) to never refuse Jesus anything (Come Be My Light, 60).
Mother Teresa was born in northern Macedonia to Albanian parents. From a very young age she desired to belong to Jesus completely and become a missionary. She felt a particular call to aid the Church in India. At eighteen, she left her home for Ireland where she entered the religious order of the Sisters of Loreto who had missions in India. She was soon sent to India and fulfilled her childhood dream of bringing Christ’s love to that land. She was a beloved teacher and eventually became the principal of the all-girls school where she taught.
And yet, the Lord had more for her. Mother Teresa received what she called “a call within a call” from Christ to leave the comfort of the convent and school and tend to Him in the poorest of the poor (Come Be My Light, 78). Although this call was clear and direct, she submitted this desire to bring poor souls to Christ to her spiritual director, superiors, and bishop. Mother Teresa was determined, as always, but ultimately wanted the will of God. Her patience bore fruit and she was given permission to begin her work in the slums. It was there, in the dark places, that the Missionaries of Charity were born. She was to be Christ’s light in the darkness (Come Be My Light, 85) and this, in fact, is what she became through her daily small acts of love and kindness.
Mother Teresa was to be Christ’s light in the darkness and this, in fact, is what she became through her daily small acts of love and kindness. #BISblog #prayerpledge // -->> CLICK TO TWEET
Let Us Pray
Jesus, Intimate Friend of my heart, You know my fears and my dreams. In the depths of my heart You are willing to come in and dine with me. May I spend time with You there, that I may learn to hear Your voice gently guiding me.
For Discussion
Sister, do you feel inspired by the testimony of Mother Teresa in radically following the Lord’s particular call on her life? Or do you feel deflated, thinking you could never respond as she responded?
Are you able to bring either sentiment to the Lord today in prayer and ask Him to give you the grace to respond to His call? Are you aware of the daily call to spend time with Him and unite yourself and your desires to His?
Awaken Love: The 2023 Prayer Pledge // Day 10 #BISblog #prayerpledge // -->> CLICK TO TWEET