Recently, everyone has been asking about my college semester study abroad and I have struggled to find the right answer.
After giving many variations of the same generic answer, I will be honest with you, sisters—I struggled.
Spiritually, I felt this unprecedented pressure to come to the table having created something worthwhile. Perhaps it is the culture of social media I am so regularly immersed in, or the schoolwork I am always focused on, but this season did not feel productive.
It should have been a semester of Instagram-worthy European adventures and abundant consolation, but I felt stretched most days. Every time I came to prayer, I confronted the fear that my life was not producing good fruit. Anxious that I was not doing or saying enough for the Kingdom, I was exhausted by all my attempts of striving to serve well.
“Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing” (Luke 10:41-42).
Yet amidst all of my chaos, I feel peace rush over me when I read those words. Abroad I felt consumed by the many things instead of the one. Called back to the feet of Jesus, my posture shifts and my frantic heart is brought to stillness by the tone of His voice.
I am grounded in confidence that He is the Messiah of reassurance and enduring peace, unconcerned with my notions of productivity. Comforted by my Savior in our shared stillness, I become aware that He is the only One to bring me rest and consistency.
I know the tendency to begin “doing,” but I am drawn to choose the better part today: that of simply “being.”
Father, I ask that You would gift us with the spirit of Mary, and that we would rest at Your feet in confidence of Who You are.
He is the only One to bring me rest and consistency.Click to tweet
Regard Our Lord's face in this painting of this moment from Scripture. Find rest and peace in Him, sisters.
Sarah Elizabeth is a politics pre-law major at the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. Born and raised in Arizona, she finds great joy in mountains, lattes, American history, and the piano. She is constantly discovering Christ's wild love in the little things.