There is a difference between being filled and being satisfied. The people seeking Christ after the miracle of the loaves and fish were filled yet still not satisfied. And you know what? We are the same. We are starving for anything that will linger longer than a moment, provide more than an Instagram memory, or provide a balm for the scars we conceal, yet seemingly content being filled and bandaged with pleasures of this world.
“Do not work for food that perishes but for food that endures for eternal life.” (John 6:27) Oh, how these words Christ spoken thousands of years ago resonate today! I don’t know about you, but I’m done filling my body, mind, and soul with lies that this world is selling me.
Years ago, I allowed comparison, one of the subtlest lies, to consume me. Comparison is not food that endures; it increased my hunger for pride, jealousy, and entitlement. It brought up negative feelings about my worth and ability. I detested how I felt and how I couldn’t be happy for friends in their vocations or achievements. Most of all, I stopped listening to God’s voice and could only hear this negative voice on replay in my head and heart.
It was drudgery to get out of that pessimism. I removed myself from relationships and friendships that were toxic, practiced redirecting my thoughts every time a negative thought came to my mind, sought the Sacraments, and journaled before the Blessed Sacrament as often as I could. And slowly, oh so tenderly, God’s voice returned. When I could sing worship songs and mean every word, and negative thoughts no longer plagued me, I stopped hearing the hunger rumble inside my soul.
Jesus didn’t come just to fill us or show us miracles to help us believe. No, He entered humanity to satisfy us completely, so we no longer hunger for this world and instead fix our entire appetite on the wedding feast of Heaven.
[JesusClick to tweet entered humanity to satisfy us completely."]
What futile lies are you filling your life with that still leave you hungry for truth?
Tricia Tembreull is a California girl with a Texas-sized heart for hospitality. She serves as a Parish Coach for Life Teen, International, and joyfully travels around the globe training, empowering, and praying with youth ministers. When not on a plane, she is either in church, spending time with family or friends, in the kitchen cooking up something delightful, or on the beach for an evening walk. You can find out more about her here.