for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Vulnerability in Marriage - Blessed Is She

Vulnerability in Marriage

My husband and I have had issues. At one point I thought we were resolved to simply tolerate each other until death did we part. Maybe you've felt that way...
When Marriage Doesn't Happen - Blessed Is She

When Marriage Doesn't Happen

As you might have ascertained from this post's very blunt title, it is about, shall we say, extended singlehood. Far be it from me to brag, but singlehood is a...
4 Thoughtful Ways to Celebrate Your Anniversary - Blessed Is She

4 Thoughtful Ways to Celebrate Your Anniversary

When my husband, Matt, and I started dating on August 17, 2014, we decided it would be fun to celebrate our anniversary each month. While our festivities have ranged from...
How Mr. Knightly Helped Me Find Mr. Right - Blessed Is She

How Mr. Knightly Helped Me Find Mr. Right

Like many women, my love of Jane Austen began in my teen years but it wasn’t until my 20’s that the lessons of her heroines and their leading men started...
Planning a Catholic Wedding - Blessed Is She

Planning a Catholic Wedding

“It’s not just about the wedding, it’s about the sacrament.” Truth abounds in these words, and if you’re engaged, you’ve probably spoken them yourself. It’s a grounding thought; peaceful, reassuring,...
Miscarriage and My Holy Week Journey - Blessed Is She

Miscarriage and My Holy Week Journey

It was Holy Week 2012. I was grieving a child I would never get to hold, and whose face I would never get to see. Holy Week 2011 I had...
Lent for the Married - Blessed Is She

Lent for the Married

Andrew and I were passing ideas back forth—sweets, alcohol, eating between meals. What to give up for Lent? I could do the typical, but I want this year to be...
Love is Rooted in Freedom - Blessed Is She

Love is Rooted in Freedom

I recently finished a short, ambiguous novel called Diary of an Oxygen Thief by Anonymous (yes, the author remained anonymous!). This was, unfortunately, yet another memoir-type account of obsessive, unhealthy...
From Mixed Tapes to School-Supply Shopping Dates: Our Romance After All These Years - Blessed Is She

From Mixed Tapes to School-Supply Shopping Dates: Our Romance After All These Years

There used to be coffee and hot cocoa dates (because up until last fall, I didn't drink coffee). There were flowers. Pearl earrings. Homemade steak dinners (cooked by Fence, of...
Why You Should Get Away With Your Spouse and How To Actually Do It - Blessed Is She

Why You Should Get Away With Your Spouse and How To Actually Do It

After navigating the early years of parenting, our family has solidly entered middle-childhood. Although the frustrations of potty-training and sleepless nights have shifted to arguments over bedtimes and screen time,...
When My Marriage Needed More than a Date - Blessed Is She

When My Marriage Needed More than a Date

In order to make the house run and my sanity stay locked in place, I have systems and more systems. I have routines. I have check lists. I have long...
Marriage Can Wait - Blessed Is She

Marriage Can Wait

I can wait to get married. There I said it. As a 20 year old woman in college, I watch as many of my peers happily get hitched or find...