for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

5 Catholic Novels to Read This Summer - Blessed Is She

5 Catholic Novels to Read This Summer

As August begins, are you planning one last road trip or weekend getaway to the beach or cabin? Before the kids head back to school, we often desire to soak...
Mystery and Manners Review - Blessed Is She

Mystery and Manners Review

It’s often said that Flannery O’Connor is one of, if not the best Catholic writer of the twentieth century. In her thirty-nine years before dying of lupus, she published two...
The Mindful Catholic Review: Mindful in an Authentically Catholic Way - Blessed Is She

The Mindful Catholic Review: Mindful in an Authentically Catholic Way

It is like I was born again in the slowness of that hospital room. It was easy to be mindful and open and feel since the feelings were overwhelming and...
Gilead Book Review - Blessed Is She

Gilead Book Review

We are a people of busyness. We measure the worth our days by our productivity, how well we fill our social calendars, our five-year plans. Life is parsed, analyzed, and...
Beach Reads that Won't Kill Your Soul - Blessed Is She

Beach Reads that Won't Kill Your Soul

Summer is here! That means vacations, cookouts, sleeping in (maybe?), and all kinds of adventures. I love using summer to really make a dent in my booklist. Beach Reads that...
The Ninth Hour Book Review - Blessed Is She

The Ninth Hour Book Review

Disclaimer: This review contains a few mild spoilers! For those familiar with the writings and works of Flannery O’Connor, the grotesque and the gruesome are not uncommon. As a famed...
Favorite Autobiographies from Athletes - Blessed Is She

Favorite Autobiographies from Athletes

I’ve always been just a bit too practical for my own good. Playing house as a kid? Nope, not happening. Dressing up? Absolutely out of the question. After all, in...
Books on the Saints for Kids - Blessed Is She

Books on the Saints for Kids

If there's one thing I'm pretty passionate about, it's the importance of filling my home with books. When I was growing up, there wasn't a lot of extra money at...
The Heart’s Search for Community: Daphne du Maurier’s 'The Scapegoat' - Blessed Is She

The Heart’s Search for Community: Daphne du Maurier’s 'The Scapegoat'

When it comes to development of our spiritual and social lives, the type of journey we set out on comes in a variety of forms. I think of the hobbits...
I Heart Books: About Divine and Human Love - Blessed Is She

I Heart Books: About Divine and Human Love

The season of reading pink, chalk-like candy sweethearts with anecdotal sayings like “I love you” and “True Love” is upon us. So what is true love? Can you find it...
Cozy Book List: Comfort Reads for a Long Winter's Night - Blessed Is She

Cozy Book List: Comfort Reads for a Long Winter's Night

It's the time of year when we all turn a bit inward. When the weather drives you inside the desire for the cozy and comforting can't help but increase. After...
My Favorite Books about Saints - Blessed Is She

My Favorite Books about Saints

As we draw near to the Feast of All Saints, it is fitting to spend some time getting to know a little more about these heavenly friends of the Church...