for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

St. Teresa of Avila: Mystic & Reformer - Blessed Is She

St. Teresa of Avila: Mystic & Reformer

A mystic and reformer. St. Teresa of Avila’s heart, mind, and soul were absorbed in all that is Divine and she longed to be with her Spouse, Christ, in Heaven....
The Art of Being Present: 5 Lessons from the Eucharist - Blessed Is She

The Art of Being Present: 5 Lessons from the Eucharist

Do you know what I love most about the Catholic Church? Christ’s Real Presence in the Eucharist. I’m amazed at the theological awesomeness and extraordinary miraculous nature of the Eucharist....
10 Scripture Verses to Lean on During Times of Scandal - Blessed Is She

10 Scripture Verses to Lean on During Times of Scandal

When the painful news about the Catholic clergy abuse crisis broke this summer, I experienced a lot of emotions, especially anger, sadness, frustration, and pain. Our Church has been deeply...
Angel of God, My Guardian Dear - Blessed Is She

Angel of God, My Guardian Dear

I remember a print that hung in my family’s kitchen when I was a little girl. You know the one. A little boy and little girl are happily traversing a...
Our Parishes Need Us to Lead By Example - Blessed Is She

Our Parishes Need Us to Lead By Example

I love my parish for many reasons. We have one priest who’s a dynamic homilist, and another who is the most pastoral confessor I could hope to have. Our Community...
How to Find a Spiritual Director - Blessed Is She

How to Find a Spiritual Director

I’m a member of a large Blessed is She regional Facebook group. Questions related to spiritual direction often arise there. Women ask about how to find a director, seek recommendations...
The Stranger - Blessed Is She

The Stranger

“Are you ok?” I heard her voice through my car window. Of course, I couldn’t ignore the kind woman, tapping lightly on the window. I’d hoped they wouldn’t see me...
Ways to Find Community Within the Catholic Church - Blessed Is She

Ways to Find Community Within the Catholic Church

The Catholic Church is big, diverse, and widespread. It is such a beautiful source of community! Community is different for everyone. It can be through one person with whom you...
How to Find Catholic Friends in College - Blessed Is She

How to Find Catholic Friends in College

My college journey led me to three different schools over five years as I refined my major, and then transferred until I landed on the right program for me. While...
Crooked Lines: My RCIA Experience - Blessed Is She

Crooked Lines: My RCIA Experience

There is a lull on a day in late June. I find myself searching for Catholic churches nearby where I live in the Loop. I remember a friend recommending Old...
How to Join the Catholic Church // Insight Into RCIA - Blessed Is She

How to Join the Catholic Church // Insight Into RCIA

I love the Catholic Faith. I love the richness of its history and the courage of its Saints. There are so many inspiring stories of men and women who have...
America, God, and True Freedom - Blessed Is She

America, God, and True Freedom

Freedom is not free. I saw these words on a wall at the Korean War Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C. this past fall. I was there on a trip with...