“There is nothing concealed that will not be revealed, nor secret that will not be known” (Luke 12:2). Incredible! Jesus spoke these words long before social media, camera phones, or Amazon’s Alexa listened to every conversation we have. Daily the press highlights politicians and celebrity stories of infidelity and cover-ups, yet we are surprised when either our little white lies or significant sins come to light?
Christ says whatever you have “said” in the darkness will be “heard” in the light (Luke 12:3). So sisters, what do you speak about others in the darkness? I learned something years ago that tremendously altered my relationships. When someone was about to gossip, I asked them, “Is what you are about to say about this person going to affect how I view them?” Immediately they were silenced. This simple question forces us to think about how our words influence and hurt others, even when we are upset and want someone to justify jumping on the angry train.
On the other side, what do you hear about yourself in the darkness? You know, in those despairing moments of depression, doubt, hurt, or pain? What we hear is how we begin to perceive ourselves. We detect the whisper of the Evil One when we are alone at night. We repeat crushing words spoken to us by unhealthy people, allowing ourselves to be molded by their deceptive words versus words of affirmation spoken by champions of truth. We start to believe we are not worthy of love when we allow the ugliness of sin to penetrate our lives and do not seek the graces of the Sacrament of Penance.
I don’t know about you, but I want to be a woman who speaks the same words in the darkness as in the light and lifts people up versus tearing them down because of my pride. I want to be a woman who listens to words that champion me versus inflict subtle lies of deception.
Remember, we have heard the word of truth and are sealed with the Holy Spirit! (Ephesians 1:13). Today, allow the Holy Spirit today to speak words of truth to your soul and words of life to your mouth so God may be glorified.
How can you stop the habit of commenting on other's lives, even if it only borders gossip? Would you text or say this to Jesus Himself? Maybe that's your litmus test.
Tricia Tembreull is a California girl with a boundless passion for life. After two decades of ministering to teens and youth ministers as a trainer, ministry mentor, and speaker in Catholic youth ministry, Tricia now serves as Campus Minister at USC Caruso Catholic Center. She loves adventure and seeks it everywhere she goes. As an avid foodie, she enjoys testing new recipes out on friends and family, gathering them around the table to encounter Christ in one another and be drawn to the satisfying unity we crave in the Eucharist. You can find out more about her here.