Lately, I feel myself drifting, like a kite, being battered gently by the demands of life.
Sometimes the skies are blue, and the breeze is warm and gentle. Other times I find I am in the middle of a storm. I have been feeling like this a lot since March. I wake up thinking I have a plan for the day, only to receive unexpected requests placed at my feet. My necessary tasks become less urgent as I search for a missing cleat, replace the ink cartridge, reboot a computer after a dropped class, and make food (again already?) for those in my care.
The two things that keep my sanity tethered in this time are prayer and Scripture. Even a few minutes of reading Scripture grounds my morning and praying a Rosary in the afternoon centers me for the second half of the day. Without this, I find it is hard to remain with Him as I move through the day. When I forget or don’t make it a priority to tie down, my kite and my sanity both will just sail off in the wind.
Today’s Scripture reminds us that Jesus prayed (Luke 11:2-4). He, the Son of God, Who was Himself God made flesh, prayed by talking to and communing with His Father. And He recognized it as important enough to teach His followers how to do the same. He didn’t give them an elaborate plan; He gave them some simple words.
If you have trouble remaining aware of God’s presence in the drudgery of the day, consider building in routine times in your day for a little Scripture or prayer time. Just a few minutes in prayer is all you need to keep your soul tethered to Him. Ground yourself today in prayer.
Keep your soul tethered to Him. // @maryruthhackettClick to tweet