I am a rule follower by nature. It seems to be woven into my DNA. For a very brief time period in my late teens, I tried to be rebellious. I laughed at authority, crossed lines that were not meant to be crossed, ignored many of the principles with which I had been raised, and moved out of the light of the Lord.
I rejected His commandments and stepped out of God’s light in order to move towards something seductive. It was disastrous for my mind, body, and spirit. Twenty-five years later I still carry scars of the pain and suffering endured that year.
We hear in today’s Gospel, "If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and remain in his love" (John 15:10).
Being in His love does not mean we won’t suffer. Many of the Saints' lives give testimony as to how one can keep His commandments, remain in His love, and still endure great trials. The difference is how we endure that suffering. When we keep the Lord's commandments and remain in His light, it is our dependence on Him that gets us through.
When we sin we turn away from His outstretched arms, but He is always there to welcome us back. God is always beside us. Sister, if you have chosen to dismiss or ignore some of God’s commandments, I encourage you to return to Him. Pay attention to when you feel tempted to turn away from Him, and instead seize this moment and step into His light and love.
God is always beside us. // @maryruthhackettClick to tweet
Lord Jesus, draw me close to Your Sacred Heart.