for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

Comparison: A Failure of the Imagination - Blessed Is She

Comparison: A Failure of the Imagination

“While we’re sitting at the Starbucks in the food court, we might find that our eyes are constantly darting to watch the other girls and women pass by. In just...
Body Remodel - Blessed Is She

Body Remodel

A few years ago, I found myself feeling indignant about our culture and its obsession with perfect bodies. I had entered that age in life where everywhere I turned it...
Weekly Wallpaper // 10 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 10

The weeks seem to go so quickly and we're back with another Sunday free weekly wallpaper, by me, Erica of Be a Heart. It comes from the second reading today,...
#BISsisterhood Link-Up // PERSEVERANCE - Blessed Is She

#BISsisterhood Link-Up // PERSEVERANCE

Today we are talking about PERSEVERANCE. "[S]ince we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so...
Ocean of Goodness and Love - Blessed Is She

Ocean of Goodness and Love

It's one of those days where I have zero clue as to the actual day. I was swearing to my husband that it was Monday, which gave him one of...
Weekly Wallpaper // 9 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 9

This weekly wallpaper is fresh and uplifting from Erica of Be a Heart. It comes from today's gospel John 15:9- Remain in my love. So often we make our relationship...
#BISsisterhood Link-Up // MISSION - Blessed Is She

#BISsisterhood Link-Up // MISSION

Today we are talking about MISSION. We are all called by Christ to be missionaries, carrying His word near and far, through our actions and by our words. How is...
If God Wills It - Blessed Is She

If God Wills It

People often ask when I decided to become a campus missionary. My call, actually, came to me on an overseas mission trip. As I crossed the muddy waters from the...
My Domestic Mission - Blessed Is She

My Domestic Mission

I am a missionary. Yet, I have never been on a mission. I live out my mission each day in my home. Missionary work calls us to give of ourselves...
Weekly Wallpaper // 8 - Blessed Is She

Weekly Wallpaper // 8

This weekly wallpaper from Erica of Be a Heart depicts a verse from today's gospel reading, John 15:5 - I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in...
#BISsisterhood Link-Up // LIFE - Blessed Is She

#BISsisterhood Link-Up // LIFE

Today we are talking about LIFE. Each and every life is a precious gift God has entrusted us with to safeguard and enrich the best we can. This is equally...
I Chose Life. And His Name is Lexington Anthony. - Blessed Is She

I Chose Life. And His Name is Lexington Anthony.

At 23, I was bartending, serving at my favorite restaurant, working two other jobs and finishing up college. At 23 I was going going going all the time- and it...