You called me. Appointed me.
You called me by name, into existence.
You called me to be with You.
You called me into a family.
Into a group of friends.
Onto a ministry team.
You called me, again.
To a specific vocation.
To marriage, then to be a mother two times, three times, six times!
Lord, have mercy on me!
Daily you hear my plea. I am too weak for these callings. Too prideful. Too timid. I don’t believe in myself the way You do. I cannot do what You’re asking of me.
Send help, God. Have mercy.
Renew Your promise. Restore the grace You gave me in order to respond to Your call.
I’m exhausted from sacrificing in love. My body crashes to bed each night, spent from caring for these souls I am called to love—and how I do love them! My heart aches with hope that Your promise will be fulfilled in their lives. I am weak, wearied by heartbreak and worry.
"Have mercy on me God, have mercy" (Psalm 57:2).
You called me, that like the Apostles and all the Saints, I might be with You. This is my heart’s desire; it is restless until it rests in You. Take my hand and help me. Walk with me on this path You set before me.
You call me.
You give me an identity.
You called me at Baptism, and every day You still call me to be with You.
In Your mercy, draw me near. Restore my belief that I am who You say I am. Give me the grace again, to remain faithful in Your love.
Send help, God. Have mercy. // Gina FenstererClick to tweet
Stay close to Our Lord repeating today, "Draw me near, Lord."
Gina Fensterer finds daily life to be perfect for practicing virtue and sometimes blogs about raising up saints (she has six children). She loves the Jesus prayer, long runs, and coffee at any time of day. She is a contributing author to our children's devotional prayer book called Rise Up. You can find out more about her here.