My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God. O God, you are my God whom I seek; for you my flesh pines and my soul thirsts like the earth, parched, lifeless, and without water. // Psalm 63:2
My friend shares a photo of the beautiful basilica she is visiting on Instagram, and, a couple of posts down, she shares about taking loaves of freshly baked bread to her local Sisters of Charity. My other friends share an evening of praise and worship at a Blessed Is She night. Another friend recently shared how she and her family were going to a family retreat house that has a Eucharistic chapel connected to it. I am grateful for these women who witness to me the fullness of the faith.
I can’t help but want to be where my friends are, partaking in those experiences. It offers hope to my spiritual deprivation.
At the risk of sounding like a Disney princess, I want so much more for my community. I want to see the Fransican Friars of the Renewal walking along the Las Vegas Strip and in our downtown area. What a sight it would be if religious Sisters and Brothers were in greater abundance than the slot machines that take tourists’ money before they even sit down.
I want to see my newly named archdiocese through the same kaleidoscopic lens as I see other archdioceses and dioceses.
Maybe you're like me and you have been in the same city you were born in and change has felt slow. The desert can feel that way. It's hard to believe there is an oasis after journeying through so much parched land.
The longings we have are never in vain. We only have to look to the Old Testament to be reminded of the ways God hears the good, deep yearnings of our hearts.
Sister, is there an action you can take today to ignite the desire Jesus has placed in your heart as His disciple? As the lay faithful, let's empower each other to build up God’s Kingdom right here, right now.
My prayer is for all of us to align our wills with the Lord’s and to allow Him to use our longings for His greater glory. May our thirst be fulfilled with the drink He offers us.