The plane droned on loudly as we sat packed into the dimly lit cabin, weighted down with gear. Despite our exhaustion, the air was electric with anticipation and a hint of trepidation.
Not too much longer now. We were at Airborne school, and this was our first-ever jump.
“Stand UP!” The sergeant’s abrupt command echoed through the cabin as we struggled to our feet, steadying ourselves against the rocking plane. A moment later, the red light switched to green as the sergeant shouted, “GO, GO, GO!” Our line of soldiers pressed toward the door in a quick shuffle, disappearing one by one through the wind-whipped door.
Suddenly, the wind swirled around me and the droning plane twisted from view as I free fell into the night. A moment later my parachute billowed open, and I caught my breath, drifting serenely, peacefully, toward the ground.
It was exhilarating.
It’s a wonder I felt so little fear jumping out of a perfectly good airplane, yet I still follow God’s will only tentatively, seeking control and perfect understanding to assuage my fears.
Abram often tried to do things his own way too and suffered the consequences. Yet today, he steps out in blind trust, following God’s command to go—without the slightest indication of where he will end up.
“Go forth to a land I will show you,” says the Lord (Genesis 12:1).
Go. Pack up everything and everyone dear to you, relying solely on the promise that the Lord will provide.
Go. Act now in response to God’s prompting, surrendering the understanding of where and how and why to the future.
Go. Because the parachute literally cannot open unless you leap.
If we can trust a man-made piece of nylon to keep us safe when hurtling through the sky, how much more can we trust our God—Who made a universe, Who crafted you and me—to catch us when we leap into His perfect will?
God only ever wills our highest good, and He never leads us anywhere He will not fiercely protect us.
How is He inviting you to blindly step out in trust today?
He never leads us anywhere He will not fiercely protect us. // @megan_hjelmstadClick to tweet