“Some seed fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked it.” // Matthew 13:7
I feel like I’ve sat down and spoke to God many times about the mystery Jesus speaks of in today’s Gospel. I have gone to God in frustration, tears, exasperation, and even anger that the faith I have, and have had since being baptized as an infant, has been lost to my brother, my childhood best friend, and more people than I can list here.
How can I still possess the gift of faith at the ripe old age of thirty-seven, yet the faith of so many have fallen to rocky ground, thorns, or birds of prey?
I see the struggle people in my life have had in leaving the faith behind. And oftentimes what is even worse, have not seen any struggle as they leave behind faith and life in the Church which had seemed an important part of their lives.
How can so many seeds of faith in the lives of real people be so easily lost like seeds blown away by the wind?
Jesus does not give an answer; He simply tells us that this is the reality of the life of faith. It truly is a mystery that only God completely understands in wisdom and love. Our thoughts are not God’s thoughts; we cannot grasp why the supernatural gift of faith changes some lives irrevocably and briefly touches others. Living in this mystery is not comfortable and will probably make me angry again, but the truth also remains that God Himself loves and knows each person from before they were formed in their mother’s womb.
God’s love is not dependent on a level of faith, it is ever present.
No matter how far from God our loved ones may be, the love of God is with them always and so the possibility of their return to faith remains.
Let’s pray today in a special way for someone in your life who has left the faith, praying that they may know the love God has for him or her.
God’s love is not dependent on a level of faith. // Christy IsingerClick to tweet