The Lord is close to the brokenhearted. // Psalm 34:18
I rolled my eyes at the sound of a text message coming to my phone. In the midst of heartache and grief, I had no desire to talk to anyone. To talk would require me to be vulnerable, and I didn’t want to get into it. It was easier to isolate myself and figure it out.
But much to my surprise (and delight!) the message on my phone was from a dear priest friend, and it simply read: I’m sitting in this with you, friend.
As these words lit up my screen, relief flooded my heart. I wasn’t alone—not because I sought out comfort or companionship—but because my heart was seen, known, and loved.
This priest, whose fatherhood over the years has radically changed my life, was the voice of the Lord to me on that day.
I knew that I wasn’t alone—that the Lord was so close—that He had seen it all and was content to comfort me.
As the days carried on, the burden of my heartache lessened, but the presence of the Lord never faded. He was close to my heart, sitting there with me, patiently waiting to console me. His love was never rushed, but present in every circumstance.
My friend, if you carry a burden on your heart today, be consoled by the Lord’s presence. He sees what you’re carrying and He will sit with you patiently, loving you at every moment.
He sees what you’re carrying. // Kelsey DassanceClick to tweet