There is no formula for holiness. It is meant to be uniquely carried out by each of us as God individually calls us to live in union with Him.
Yet, when we look at the Saints arrayed in glory, there are commonalities within their spiritual lives. One such aspect is their reliance upon Mary, our Blessed Mother.
Devotion to Our Lady
Every Saint had a devotion to our Lady. August is a special month to honor her as it is traditionally dedicated to her Immaculate Heart, and during this month we also celebrate her Assumption and Coronation.
One could say that she is our “August Queen,” and many of the August Saints of the liturgical calendar not only had devotions to Mary, but they also had ministries in which they encouraged others to love her as well.
Let’s hear what they had to say ...
August 1: Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori
For this Doctor of the Church, Mary was the spiritual fountainhead of his entire life.
It is especially apparent in the dedication of his book The Glories of Mary (a compilation of thousands of passages on Mary written by Saints who lived before him):
And now I turn to thee, O my most sweet Lady and Mother Mary. Thou well knowest that, after Jesus, I have placed my entire hope of salvation in thee: for I acknowledge that everything good—my conversion, my call to renounce the world, and all the other graces that I have received from God—all were given me through thy means. [. . .] I have always endeavored in my sermons, in public and in private, to insinuate into all thy sweet and salutary devotion. I hope to continue doing so until my last breath, [. . .] and therefore I wish, before dying, to leave this book to the world, in order that in my place it may continue to preach thee, and encourage others to announce glories [. . .] Extend, then, that most sweet hand with which thou hast drawn me from the world and delivered me from hell, and accept it and protect it as thine own. But at the same time thou must know that I expect a reward for my little offering; and that is, that from this day forward I may love thee more than ever, and that everyone into whose hands this work may fall may at once be inflamed with love of thee; and that his desire of loving thee, and of seeing thee loved by others, may be increased, so that he may labour with all affection to preach and promote, as far as he can, thy praises, and confidence in thy most powerful intercession. Amen. (Source)
August 4: Saint Jean Marie Vianney
Saint Jean Marie Vianney fulfilled his childhood dream of leading many souls to Christ in his life as a parish priest by encouraging devotion to the Eucharist, Reconciliation, and Mary.
He writes in The Little Catechism of the Cure of Ars:
The most Holy Virgin places herself between her Son and us. The greater sinners we are, the more tenderness and compassion does she feel for us. The child that has cost its mother most tears is the dearest to her heart. Does not a mother always run to the help of the weakest and the most exposed to danger? Is not a physician in the hospital most attentive to those who are most seriously ill? The Heart of Mary is so tender towards us, that those of all the mothers in the world put together are like a piece of ice in comparison to hers. (source)
Furthermore, he claims: “If Hell could repent, you [Mary] would obtain its pardon.”
August 9: Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
Known as the philosopher Edith Stein before her conversion, she penned much on the feminine genius. She understood that our biological design as women revealed much about our nature as individual persons. In her Essays On Women, she assured us that we thrive in our unique vocations as women if we imitate and trust in Mary:
But just as grace cannot achieve its work in souls unless they open themselves to it in free decision, so also Mary cannot function fully as mother if people do not entrust themselves to her. Those women who wish to fulfill their feminine vocations in one of several ways will most surely succeed in their goals if they not only keep the ideal of the Virgo-Mater before their eyes and strive to form themselves according to her image but if they also entrust themselves to her guidance and place themselves completely under her care. She herself can form in her own image those who belong to her. (Source)
August 14: Saint Maximilian Kolbe
Knowing our Lady was key to the conquest of Satan, Saint Maximilian Kolbe founded the Militia of the Immaculata, an organization of prayer created to embrace all nations and vocations. Members wear the miraculous medal and recite a short prayer of entrustment daily.
This martyr implores us to remember:
Modern times are dominated by Satan and will be more so in the future. The conflict with Hell cannot be engaged by men, even the most clever. The Immaculata alone has from God the promise of victory over Satan. (Source)
August 20: Saint Bernard of Clairvaux
This twelfth-century Saint dealt with countless difficulties throughout his life. Mary, as our intercessor to Jesus and the Father, was a source of virtue to whom Saint Bernard utilized:
When the storms to temptation burst upon you, when you see yourself driven upon the rocks of tribulation, look at the star, call upon Mary. When buffeted by the billows of pride, or ambition, or hatred, or jealousy, look at the star, call upon Mary. Should anger, or avarice, or fleshly desire violently assail the frail vessel of your soul, look at the star, call upon Mary. If troubled on account ofn the heinousness of your sins, distressed at the filthy state of your conscience, and terrified at the thought of the awful judgment to come, you are beginning to sink into the bottomless gulf of sadness and be swallowed into the abyss of despair, then think of Mary. In dangers, in doubts, in difficulties, think of Mary, call upon Mary. Let not her name leave your lips, never suffer it to leave your heart. And that you may more surely obtain the assistance of her prayer, see that you walk in her footsteps. With her for a guide, you shall never go astray; while invoking her, you shall never lose heart; so long as she is in your mind, you shall not be deceived; while she holds your hand, you cannot fall; under her protection, you have nothing to fear; if she walks before you, you shall not grow weary; if she shows you favor, you shall reach the goal. (Source)
Go To Mary + Our Marian Summit
These individuals are not the only August Saints with deep devotion to Mary.
Saint Dominic received the Rosary from Heaven and founded the Order of Preachers, now known as the Dominicans, who made its devotion widespread. Saint Jane Frances de Chantal founded the Order of the Visitation of Holy Mary to emulate the virtues displayed by Mary. Saint Roch’s barren mother attested that his conception was an answered prayer from our Lady.
The favorite prayer of Blessed Ceferino Namuncurá was the Rosary. The writings of Saint Augustine aided the Church in Mary’s Immaculate Conception doctrine. Lastly, Saints Bartholomew, Peter, John the Baptist, and (probably) Paul knew her personally.
The evidence is clear: devotion to Mary goes hand-in-hand with Christological intimacy.