God has filled our lives with a plethora of relationships. Take a moment to thank Him for your parents, siblings, extended family, boyfriend/fiancé/spouse, physical and spiritual children, teachers, coaches, coworkers, neighbors, friends, priests and religious, and parish family. How have they helped you experience God’s love?
Today we pray in Psalm 145, “Let Your faithful ones bless You. Let them discourse of the glory of Your Kingdom and speak of Your might.”
Do you surround yourself with people who bless the Lord? Do you notice the glory of God’s Kingdom and have friends who are able to receive your sharing about these experiences? When was the last time you spoke of His might?
Maybe Christian friendship is something you have experienced deeply or perhaps you feel desperately alone. No matter where you lie on this spectrum, you have a home in the Catholic Church. It is here that we can bless Him, glorify Him, and speak of His might.
This is the Church which Saint Paul greets today in his conclusion to his letter to the Romans: Prisca, Aquila, Epaenetus, Mary, Andronicus, Junia, Ampliatus, Urbanus, and Stachys. Oh yes, and Tertius, Gaius, Erastus, and Quartus also send their greetings. Each of these individuals had friendships with Saint Paul. Together, they built the foundation of the early Church.
No matter what, you have a home in the Catholic Church.Click to tweet
We can stand firmly on this foundation today, united in our friendships. May we be strengthened as sisters in our beautiful Catholic Church and bring glory to Jesus Christ forever.
Rose Coleman is a contemplative in action who delights in all things beautiful. Her adventurous heart has traveled many places—from circumnavigating the globe on a ship during college to some years in the convent as a religious sister. Exuberant from her childhood, she is an elementary school teacher who learns so much from her students. You can find out more about her here.