Jesus said to Nicodemus: "'You must be born from above.'
The wind blows where it wills, and you can hear the sound it makes,
but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes;
so it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit." // John 3:7b-8
How easy is it to be swallowed up by life. Whatever is right in front of me, whatever list is occupying my mind, whoever is tugging at my leg, the mess, the pile, the chore, the appointment. It doesn’t end.
While your life may not look exactly like mine, you, too, have the temptation to let the rhythm of daily life swallow you up. We go to bed just to wake up and face it again, and the monotony can drown us. Wake, rise, work, repeat.
That is, unless we are “born from above” (John 3:7).
We are called to cooperate with the Holy Spirit to super naturalize our worlds, so that we can bring Christ to the world. And this is how we do it: supernatural perspective. We are re-born in Christ at our Baptisms, born in the Spirit, and new creations. Because of this it’s all made new, and it’s all made to make us new. The mess, the pile, the list . . . When seen with the eyes of Christ, with a supernatural perspective, He can transform it all. What was burdening us is now setting us free; what was the roadblock is now the path.
We are all called to be saints, and we are called to be saints right where we are, in the middle of it all. That means it’s good—all of it—good for our souls, good for our growth, and good for our mission. We can transform the world by transforming ours, and little by little, the ripple ripples out. Because we are His, and He is ours, born from above.