for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

How to Practice the Works of Mercy as a Family (+ Printable Checklist!) - Blessed Is She

How to Practice the Works of Mercy as a Family (+ Printable Checklist!)

Throughout the Gospels, Jesus instructs us to care for one another out of love for Him. The Golden Rule, the second greatest commandment, and the example of Christ Himself drive...
What We Hope Women Receive (+ Give) from Misericordia - Blessed Is She

What We Hope Women Receive (+ Give) from Misericordia

One of the central pieces to the mission of Blessed is She is helping women find and create Catholic community. We love our online community, and we've been amazed by...
Good Friday in Art - Blessed Is She

Good Friday in Art

One of the gifts of Catholicism, because of the primacy of the Incarnation, is the importance of the human person. Our Faith acknowledges that we are not just spiritual beings....
What's Next After Advent and Lent? - Blessed Is She

What's Next After Advent and Lent?

If you have enjoyed walking through Lent or Advent with the thousands of other women doing the Blessed is She liturgical journals, you may be wondering what's next. How can...
Alternative Spring Break Ideas for College Students - Blessed Is She

Alternative Spring Break Ideas for College Students

When I was a college student, the only thing I wanted to do during Spring Break was sleep. I didn’t have money to go on a vacation with friends. And,...
The Beauty of Catholic Schools - Blessed Is She

The Beauty of Catholic Schools

As the product of a Catholic elementary school education, a current provider of Catholic education, and a supporter of it for my own children, I’m so excited to be celebrating...
Catholic Women Speakers | Blessed is She Team Members - Blessed Is She

Catholic Women Speakers | Blessed is She Team Members

When it comes to planning an event, conference, or parish night for Catholic women, there are so many details to handle and decisions to make. At the top of that...
Why I Don't Use Contraception (and the Benefits of NFP) - Blessed Is She

Why I Don't Use Contraception (and the Benefits of NFP)

The Church teaches us how to be good, holy, and loving. She allows us to grow in our relationship with Christ and one another. As a part of this mission,...
How to Foster Your Relationship with Christ at a Secular College - Blessed Is She

How to Foster Your Relationship with Christ at a Secular College

Growing up, I had an incredible community of Catholic friends. I was never challenged or persecuted for my beliefs. I was able to build a strong foundation for my faith...
How to Find Catholic Friends in College - Blessed Is She

How to Find Catholic Friends in College

My college journey led me to three different schools over five years as I refined my major, and then transferred until I landed on the right program for me. While...
Advice for College Freshmen and Transfers - Blessed Is She

Advice for College Freshmen and Transfers

During college, I sometimes felt a little (or a lot) lost. I often wondered if I could really handle an “adult” life. The good news is, I figured it out....
Being Rooted in the Faith During the Post-College Transition - Blessed Is She

Being Rooted in the Faith During the Post-College Transition

It took a lot of effort: late night studies, hours spent writing, and a last minute scramble to sew up the hole I burned in my gown, but I finally...