for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

REMAIN Series // My Friend in the Desert - Blessed Is She

REMAIN Series // My Friend in the Desert

By the time I thought of her, my pillow was soaked. The darkness disguised my tears but I worried my unbridled sobs would wake the household. In just a few...
REMAIN Series // Do You Also Wish to Go Away? - Blessed Is She

REMAIN Series // Do You Also Wish to Go Away?

I was caught off guard by the surge of my heart when the prospect of returning to the classroom emerged. The four years I had previously taught were some of...
REMAIN Series // What I Would Miss - Blessed Is She

REMAIN Series // What I Would Miss

I gave her one last hug before she walked into the next chapter of her life. As I drove away, it finally hit me that my years of raising her...
REMAIN Series // Living in the Longing - Blessed Is She

REMAIN Series // Living in the Longing

As I sat in the back of the empty desert chapel, I remembered I was not alone, but with Jesus. I let my tears fall and with them, my grasping...
REMAIN Series // An Olive Branch - Blessed Is She

REMAIN Series // An Olive Branch

My family was invited to a celebration with some extended family members I had not seen in many years. I was uncertain about extending the olive branch. The hurt from...
REMAIN Series // The Peaceful Present - Blessed Is She

REMAIN Series // The Peaceful Present

I tend to keep a constant running checklist and I like to accomplish those tasks ASAP. Sweeping the floor (again), making returns, scheduling appointments… the list goes on. My last...
REMAIN Series // Surrendering a Dream - Blessed Is She

REMAIN Series // Surrendering a Dream

Growing up with five siblings, I always envisioned raising a large family of my own. I pictured myself like my grandmother, surrounded by a dozen children and finding my vocation...
REMAIN Series // An Introduction + Invitation - Blessed Is She

REMAIN Series // An Introduction + Invitation

Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you. Keep straight the path of your feet, and all your ways will be sure. // Proverbs 4:25-26...
God's Whisper - Blessed Is She

God's Whisper

Many times, I run through a day with so much on my plate between homeschooling and errands and keeping the house afloat. I wonder why I don’t always feel His...
Saints to Turn to When You Can't Sleep - Blessed Is She

Saints to Turn to When You Can't Sleep

Some nights—and for a few of us, most nights—are restless and sleepless. Whether our lack of sleep is due to anxiety, a crying baby, a sick child, or a reason...
The Problem with Toxic Shame - Blessed Is She

The Problem with Toxic Shame

In His goodness, God has turned the shame I carried all my life into His fame. He has made me into a survivor with a purpose: to let men and...
Marian Apparitions from Around the World - Blessed Is She

Marian Apparitions from Around the World

While hanging on the Cross and obtaining our salvation, our gracious Lord made the effort to turn our attention toward His Mother. In addition, He instructed her to behold His...