Fear no one. Nothing is concealed that will not be revealed,
nor secret that will not be known. // Matthew 10:26
We’ve all experienced fear in the last three years. Fear was an appropriate initial emotion to experience when the world seemed to be completely collapsing in on itself. But the sustained climate of fear that took over our society was one which told of most people putting their faith and peace in happiness and health in this life instead of in our Heavenly Father.
Now more than ever I have come to know that Jesus’ words to us today in the Gospel (see Matthew 10:26-33) are critical to whether I can say I am a believing Christian or not. Through the ups and downs of prayer, I see Christ’s words today as the endpoint to all the worries and fears I’ve confronted over the past few years. For He tells us, “Even all the hairs of your head are counted. So do not be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows” (Matthew 10:30-31).
One of the most defining and glorious aspects of Christianity is Christ’s call to not live in fear. Christians have the wonderful reality of living not for this world of suffering and pain, but for eternal life with our Creator, Who loves us and cares for us. We are right to be prudent about caring for our bodily health and needs, but we also live in the freedom and knowledge that our heavenly life is more important than this earthly life we want to cling to so tightly.
I don’t want to live a life afraid of the brokenness of the world. These days I understand the power faith can have when encountering the trials of the world. We can trust in the words of Jesus that we don’t need to fear the death of our bodies, that Heaven awaits those of us who have faith in Him and that this is all a reflection of the deep love and care God has for each one of us.
What fear do you have in your life today? Pray to Jesus, asking him to relieve you of the emotion of fear, and choose to live in the light and trust in God’s love and tender care for you.