For men this is impossible, but for God all things are possible. // Matthew 19:26
At twenty-two years old, I hadn’t thought much about tithing. I knew it was something the Church asked us to do, but I considered myself in a self-imposed “grace period” as I just finished college, had too many student loans, and was already overwhelmed with figuring out my finances as a young adult.
But one day, as I was relaying my anxiety about paying for another car repair, the price of rent (hello, first apartment!) and figuring out how to buy groceries and not buy coffee every single day, a trusted friend asked me, "Have you been tithing at all?"
My excuses piled up as the ice in the coffee I had just purchased melted on my desk. It felt financially impossible, but with every excuse, I felt more and more convicted that the Lord would alway provide and I need to move in faith and make a sacrifice.
I began with a very small monthly donation to a religious order. Within weeks, I began to feel a peace and freedom that I’d never experienced and began to witness how much the Lord can do with my meager offering. I was grasping for security and comfort, but as soon as I began surrendering control to the Lord, the impossible seemed more possible.
Now, one year later, I look back on this particular instance as a reason to always trust Him.
When the Lord asks something of us, it can seem scary or uncomfortable, especially when we have to make a change. But our Faith reminds us over and over again that His will is for our good: He won’t ask us for anything that doesn’t bring us closer to Him and His will.
He is worth what He asks for. What sacrifice is He asking you to make today?
He is worth what He asks for. // Kelsey DassanceClick to tweet