Two roles that are often misunderstood are those of one’s godparent, given at Baptism, and one’s guardian angel, given at conception. Although both are widely regarded with fond sentiments, their importance and purpose in the Christian life is usually underestimated.
My two-year-old daughter recently became enchanted with the animated movie Cinderella. Her enthusiasm currently involves directing me to sing “Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo” as she sits in her stroller, usually while I am walking down a busy high street with her. It doesn’t matter how many people are about, her requests become more and more insistent. When I try to sing it as quietly as I can, she rebukes me sternly—“Loud, mama, loud”—and multiple renditions are mandatory. It’s a very interesting exercise in humility. It has also made me think—rather unavoidably—about Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother.
Godparents and Angels: Companions in the Christian Life
A recurring character in fairy stories, the Fairy Godmother is a curious kind of muddling together of various stereotypes of godparent and angel. Occasional wish fulfillment is the modus operandi of the Fairy Godmother in the film, along with magical abilities like appearing and disappearing from thin air. Godparents and guardian angels, however, are less related to fantastical gifts and mystical apparitions, and more about providing the essential help needed by the child for daily living. They are both given to a child as companions in the Christian life, to help them on the way towards Heaven.
The child’s parents and the Church appoint godparents when the child enters the Church at Baptism, and guardian angels are directly assigned by God when the child comes into existence. Whether visible or invisible, both roles share these mandates:
- faithful presence
- good example
- witness to the love of God
- spiritual guidance and support
- faith formator
- dedicated intercessor
- bringer of gifts that show God’s goodness
These are not trivial tasks: It is a solemn charge to play a part in a child’s spiritual development.
The Limitations of Godparents
In the Catholic Church, godparents would ideally meet considerable requirements. However, contrary to this, godparents are often appointed as a sentimental gesture or as a cordial connection between friends. It is frequently treated as an honor bestowed on the godparent, rather than a provision for the spiritual need of the child. The godparent may feel innocently flattered to have been chosen, but unless they can also become helpers in the child’s spiritual life, their godchild will miss out on important help.
Godparents often question how they can fulfill their role better, and there are many wonderful, life-affirming ways that you can contribute to the spiritual well being of your godchildren. They include being with them as they receive their Sacraments, spending time with them, praying with them, sending well-chosen gifts, remembering important milestones, celebrating their achievements, listening attentively to them, and being available to give advice when they need a different perspective.
However, for good reasons, there are many godparents who struggle to do anything mentioned above. It could be lack of financial resources, or possibly illness that puts a barrier in the way. Perhaps distance prevents godparents from connecting with their godchildren. Maybe circumstantial estrangement from the family of the godchild stops them from reaching out effectively.
Perhaps as a godparent, you find yourself not knowing where to begin in building the relationship. This can be the case especially if you and the parents of the child didn’t have a good understanding of the Church’s requirements for a godparent in the first place, landing you in a role for which you had no preparation.
Circumstances can also shift with the passage of time, bringing new challenges. Once upon a time, I admit, I was a fully dedicated, thoughtful godmother, able to show up in my godchild’s life in times of need. Not with magic, but with love and thoughtfulness. I would still like to do that, but these days I live far from all my godchildren and am largely unaware of their day-to-day lives. It has been bothering me, because the role of godmother is one that I take delight in, and do take very seriously.
My thoughts have been turning to one entity in a great position to help—one I can guarantee knows all the secret as well as the evident needs of my godchild: their guardian angel.
The Unlimited Resources of Guardian Angels
The word angel means “messenger,” and the continual task of a guardian angel is to present the communications of God to a particular given soul. Guardian angels are mentioned in the Gospel when Jesus instructs: “See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven always look upon the face of my heavenly Father” (Matthew 18:10). Jesus describes a connection between Heaven and earth that is deeply personal and sensitive.
If godparents are taken too lightly, guardian angels are understood even less. These supernatural creatures are vastly more than the saccharine depictions of winged ladies in billowing dresses who hold out their arms as little children cross a bridge. They are, rather, formidable and powerful allies. Peter Kreeft points out:
If there were no angels who interacted with us, no guardian angels who fought for us and protected us from temptations by evil spirits, we would be decimated by our true enemies, which are not flesh and blood but ‘principalities and powers of wickedness in high places.’ They are far more numerous, more intelligent, and more powerful than we are. Without help from superior friends, no one could survive that battle against superior enemies . . . Your guardian angel protects you at every moment, even when you forget him completely.” (source)
To any other godparents out there who are wondering how on earth they can do more for their godchild, I’d like to propose an alliance of godparents and guardian angels. Not in the form of a confused chimera like the Fairy Godmother, but one based on the supernatural connection of prayer, where Heaven and earth are closely united and work together in care and concern for the godchild.
Since the child’s guardian angel is continually at their side to protect and influence them, and also present before the throne of God, there is no better individual for a concerned godparent to turn to. Who could be better equipped to give an insight, an inspiration, or a caring nudge to both godparent and godchild as required? This is especially the case when it isn’t possible to communicate with the parents about what your godchild might need.
Prayers for Your Godchild
It’s my aim nowadays to ask daily for the help of the guardian angels for all my godchildren, and to ask that I will experience an urge to pray for them in their moments of challenge, so I can be there spiritually when it matters most.
A simple (and quick) method is to adapt the classic Prayer to the Guardian Angel like this:
Angel of God, guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits (name of godchild) here, ever this day be at her side, to light and guard, rule and guide. Amen.
Other beautiful Guardian Angel prayers can be found here. And of course, prayer from the heart will always find its mark.
Perhaps you’ve missed many birthdays and special moments, and multiple chances to send a gift or a thought have passed by and been lost. It’s never too late to take up your responsibility anew, this time asking for the help of the other specially appointed being who loves your godchild and will never miss a chance to bring blessings and help to them. These messengers know the deepest wishes of both godchild and God; can cross any barriers of time, distance, language and circumstance; and are guaranteed to deliver spiritual gifts that you will never regret sending to your godchild. It’s a match made in Heaven—what more could we wish for?
Bio: Maria Khell is a wife, mother and writer. She writes for nonprofits and organizations that build a culture of life. She loves to discover the world—even just in her imagination—and has an ambition to watch a travel documentary about every country on the planet. You can find some of her writing here.