Jesus’ love for me is effortless.
Aboundingly rich in grace and mercy. Jesus,
I come to You to liberate me of sin,
Imploring You to forgive
Me of my faults by Your death; please know
That I can never repay You for the gift of Your sacrifice.
How immeasurable is Your sacrifice,
Utterly effortless.
When pondering Your death, I know
Tears ricochet down my face for You, Jesus.
As You do so for me, give me the grace to forgive
Others whose actions are synonymous with sin.
In Adoration, I ponder the roots of my sin
While sitting in front of You in the Unbloody Sacrifice.
You generously died to forgive
Me before I even existed in the name of effortless
Love. Every conviction draws me closer to You, Jesus.
How can I repay the way You know
Every heartbeat before I was even formed, know
Each freckle on my body, and absolve me of every sin
That transgresses against You, Jesus?
How do I deserve the Sacrifice
Of Your death and love, so effortless
In intention. Please allow me to forgive
Myself of my mistakes as You continue to forgive
Me. Aid me to know
Your wholly perfect, and effortless
Gifts of mercy, taking the place of my sin.
Make my life an entity of sacrifice
All for You; my Savior, Jesus.
Thank You for saving me, Jesus.
Your selfless acts of mercy forgive
Me; a price only paid by Your painstaking sacrifice
On the Cross. Help me know
That You have paid the price for my sin,
And wait in effortless,
Earnest patience for me to return home to You, Jesus. Aid me
in remembrance of Your sacrifice to forgive sin, and
Allow me to hold Your mercy, so utterly effortless, in my heart.
Kateri Campbell is a recent graduate of Salem State University with a B.A. in English and a concentration in Professional Writing, living in Peabody, Massachusetts. Besides spending time with and preparing to marry her fiancé in July 2023, she enjoys knitting, baking, hanging out with friends, traveling, and adoration. An avid writer since high school, she has recently felt called to share her poetry and writing beyond her computer files. She enjoys composing pieces about God's love for His creation and her relationship with Him. She hopes that her writing will help spread the message of God's intrinsic love to other women.