Marian Prayer Card Set


"Turn then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this our exile show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus." // From the Hail Holy Queen prayer

Have you been wanting a new prayer card to tuck into your Bible? Maybe a way to easily memorize common Catholic prayers?

Grow closer to Mary with this set of Marian Prayer Cards. She desires to walk with you day by day to grow in holiness and deepen your relationship with her Son.

This set includes 11 prayer cards, size 5x7 inches.

They each include a famous Marian prayer inspired by one of the Virtues of Mary. The prayers coincide with each section of our Home Study (with matching artwork!) so you can take the study with you into every part of your day.

P.S. Get the Home Study to match your cards, or grab the whole Marian-inspired bundle!