university students, we see you.

Blessed is She // College Life

We want to support you as you live radically for Jesus on campus.

To our friends in school -

It's uniquely challenging to walk through the busyness and newness of college.

You don't have to navigate it on your own. 

We're here to be your support as you take a step out of your comfort zone. Consider us your new big sisters, ready to cheer you on.

resources curated for you

We're here for you.

You’re not the only one on your campus adjusting to studying, socializing, moving away from home, & getting involved—all while pursuing a relationship with Jesus.

There are more women like you, and we want to help you feel confident and equipped to connect with them.

Fill out the form below to access our page of college resources.


join us this summer

College Virtual Small Group

Join current college student, Monica, in a bible study on the Gospel of Matthew — every Wednesday, all summer long.

All are welcome!

You were made to thrive.

You don’t have to just “survive” these college years on your own. You were made to thrive, together.

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”
// John 10:10