Today's readings sure do pack a punch. Against vanity, greed, selfishness, and more. A quote from Saint Therese of Lisieux ran through my mind when I read, "Think of what is above, not of what is on earth" (Colossians 3:2). She said, “Life is your barque and not your home” (source page 87).
I bought an image online a few years ago with her words on them, imposed on top of a large ship with a handful of sails, wading through deep water. It looked like a perfect depiction of what it feels like to balance living in this world without trying to be of it.
Sometimes it feels like the water is choppy and I don't know which way to point the sail. God is there, of course; He's the wind. Am I working with Him or against Him? Am I attuned to His direction? Am I holding onto extra baggage, earthly things that He's asking me to let go of?
I've found the most helpful thing for me to live out my everyday life in a way that aligns with our Catholic values is friendship—friendship with others who also are wading through these waters and also are trying to decipher God's call. Their companionship and solidarity give me the strength and desire to try again each day and to turn away from the things mentioned in today's readings.
Though, admittedly, finding good Catholic friends has been difficult at times. If this is something you're struggling with right now, I recommend checking out the Blessed is She Regional Facebook groups, check out the website to see if there's a Blessed Brunch in your area, and if not, consider hosting one, or download our free study guide (English or Spanish) and start a Blessed Conversations group.
Watch this brief talk on true friendship and open your heart for deeper connections with the women in your life.
Annie Deddens is a writer and producer. She runs a prayer ministry with her husband, called Pray More Novenas. She has a heart for the sick & suffering, and she writes about living with greater faith (hope & love, too) in this imperfect world as a Catholic wife. You can find out more about her here.