this is our daily bread


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Lord, If You Wish

Lord, If You Wish

 “Lord, if you wish, you can make me clean.” // Matthew 8:1-4 I recently heard a wise priest say that humility is simply living in reality. The reality of who...
June 27, 2024
Born From Above - Blessed Is She

Born From Above

Jesus said to Nicodemus: "'You must be born from above.' The wind blows where it wills, and you can hear the sound it makes, but you do not know where...
April 08, 2024
A Humble Trust - Blessed Is She

A Humble Trust

Lent starts February 14, and so does the RESCUED Blessed is She Lent devotional. This year, you’ll be receiving an excerpt from the Lent devotional every day in your inbox (in...
February 07, 2024
The Sacrifice Acceptable to Him - Blessed Is She

The Sacrifice Acceptable to Him

Obedience is better than sacrifice. // 1 Samuel 15:22 It is too easy for me to leap to conclusions in regards to what our Lord is asking of me. Oftentimes,...
January 14, 2024
He Stays With Us Even Now - Blessed Is She

He Stays With Us Even Now

“Consider the fig tree and all the other trees. When their buds burst open, you see for yourselves and know that summer is now near; in the same way, when you see these...
November 30, 2023
Do You Love Me? - Blessed Is She

Do You Love Me?

He said to him the third time, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" // John 21:17 (Gospel from the Optional Memorial of Pope Saint John Paul II) When I want...
October 21, 2023
Wisdom and Fortitude - Blessed Is She

Wisdom and Fortitude

“The Kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.” // Matthew 25:1 Wisdom and fortitude.  A few weeks ago I...
August 31, 2023
Detach, Detach, Detach - Blessed Is She

Detach, Detach, Detach

Jesus said to him, “If you wish to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” // Matthew...
August 20, 2023
A Love That Gives - Blessed Is She

A Love That Gives

“Just so, the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” // Matthew 20:28 As a...
July 24, 2023
Tiny Crosses - Blessed Is She

Tiny Crosses

For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be. // Matthew 6:21 I’ve often felt that mothers have it easy. In some ways, no . . . the...
June 22, 2023
Bread of Life - Blessed Is She

Bread of Life

"I am the bread of life." // John 6:48 I have a very vivid memory of struggling to get to daily Mass one particular morning. At the time I was...
May 05, 2022
Root & Grow - Blessed Is She

Root & Grow

Of all the things I'm really bad at there is one that strikes me as the most problematic. I am bad at stopping. Now, I can lounge anytime day or...
July 21, 2021