for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

He Is Tenderness // Found Preview - Blessed Is She

He Is Tenderness // Found Preview

I reach to pick up my newborn and he nuzzles his way under my neck. Instinctively he knows where his place of comfort is. He knows that underneath my neck,...
RETURN Series // Gaze At Him - Blessed Is She

RETURN Series // Gaze At Him

Seeing Jesus in the monstrance being carried by a priest up and down countless rows during the Eucharistic Procession at the Steubenville West Conference was something that I wasn’t prepared...
RETURN Series // There Is Room For You - Blessed Is She

RETURN Series // There Is Room For You

I had never seen an auditorium packed with thousands of Catholic youth like I did that summer. I can still see the sea of young people worshiping, praying, and praising....
BiS Reads // Women Made New - Blessed Is She

BiS Reads // Women Made New

Does anyone remember the books in the series Chicken Soup for the Soul? I’m probably dating myself here but I often binge read the Chicken Soup for the Soul books...
On the Epiphany and Welcoming Strangers - Blessed Is She

On the Epiphany and Welcoming Strangers

Recently during Advent our family hosted what the kids named Blessed is She Advent kids’ club. We invited my son’s classmates to join us in doing the Blessed is She...
Pursuing Peace // No More Excuses - Blessed Is She

Pursuing Peace // No More Excuses

My mind has a tendency to wander. I float between writing notes on my phone, post-it notes, my Blessed is She planner, and the notepad on the kitchen counter. I...
Flos Carmeli - Blessed Is She

Flos Carmeli

Flos Carmeli is Latin for “Flower of Carmel.” As a child, I was under the impression that Our Lady of Mount Carmel was actually pronounced "car-a-mel." It made sense to...
REMAIN Series // An Olive Branch - Blessed Is She

REMAIN Series // An Olive Branch

My family was invited to a celebration with some extended family members I had not seen in many years. I was uncertain about extending the olive branch. The hurt from...
Creative Ways to Give Alms this Lent - Blessed Is She

Creative Ways to Give Alms this Lent

Is almsgiving something you practice seasonally during Advent and Lent? Is almsgiving something you give more thought to when the priest reminds you of the needs of the parish and...
Your New New Year's Resolution - Blessed Is She

Your New New Year's Resolution

I first heard of Reform Wellness during Lent on this episode of the Poco a Poco Podcast. I, like so many, have been spiritually formed by the Franciscan Friars of...
Slow Down, Make the Connection - Blessed Is She

Slow Down, Make the Connection

This time of year stirs our hearts to be generous in how we give and to whom we give, but there is another facet of this desire to be charitable...
Who's at Your Thanksgiving Table this Year? - Blessed Is She

Who's at Your Thanksgiving Table this Year?

We are moved to give during the Christmas season and may restrain from going overboard on the Christmas gifts because of our awareness of others going without. Our culture emphasizes...