When my not-so-stable toddler is running downhill on a cracked old concrete path: oh, please—hold her up!
After my son wakes a third time in the night from yet another bad dream: guard him as he sleeps. Protect his mind from anything disturbing his peace.
In flustered moments when my husband and I are not communicating well: would you talk to his Guardian Angel and help us sort this out?
As my Godson is undergoing heart surgery: fly and be with him through his procedure; guard his precious life.
I talk to my Guardian Angel often, usually multiple times a day. Our relationship has grown in boundless ways since becoming a mother, and I only wish I would have realized sooner what a gift I have in this heavenly being.
As we celebrate the Memorial of the Guardian Angels today, can we marvel for a moment at how truly awesome our God is? I find it astounding to think how many angels He has placed in our presence. Yet how infrequently I manage to recognize them!
Our Father truly cannot be outdone in His generosity: He appointed an angel to you, His beloved daughter, to guide you towards your eternal home.
These angels are strong, mighty warriors, swift to protect us, especially in the spiritual battle. They are powerful because the Lord’s authority resides in them (Exodus 23:21). They are obedient to Him, and He has commanded them to guard us (Psalm 91:11).
Sister, will you join me today in committing to calling upon our Guardian Angels more? The Lord has given us a precious gift, and an opportunity for real relationship—with our own Angel, and those of our loved ones.
Let us not for a moment forget these faithful servants, ever by our side, always at our back. We are never alone.
We are never alone. // @inendlesssongClick to tweet