I am a modern day Jonah.
Before you spit out your morning drink, sputtering about how ridiculous a comparison that is, hear me out.
Jonah, after ranting and complaining to the Lord about Nineveh, built himself a hut to watch events unfold. If you've ever seen the GIF of Michael Jackson eating popcorn and watching a movie, that's how I imagine Jonah. So consumed with anger, Jonah seemed to want quick, drastic changes in every way—except for in his own heart.
Like Jonah I also rant about the world's problems, then find myself a front-row "seat" scrolling social media to watch drama unfold on current hot topics. Even worse, I've taken the ranting to my loved ones, bemoaning all that needs changing, while neglecting to bring any of it to prayer. The sad reality is I've expected and demanded change in every way, except in my own heart.
Sisters, the Lord is ever merciful and so gracious. He knows how and why I'm angry. He waits patiently to hear from me—even about my frustrations—just as He heard Jonah's discontented prayer. And He waits with His mercy to change my heart.
As I've noticed my tendency to rant and watch for drama, I've seen discontentment taking root in my heart. It's a far cry from what I long for. I don't want to be angry and indignant like Jonah. There is hope, and it's in the Word. I can learn to pray as the disciples did. I can turn to the Scriptures daily, instead of doom-scrolling and ranting.
This way never fails. When I quiet myself in His presence and His word, He transforms my life with His mercy and kindness (see Psalm 86:5).
If you too are feeling stuck scrolling the news and unsure what or how to pray, read the Psalms and Gospel again today. Ask the Lord to show His mercy and teach you to pray.
There is hope, and it's in the Word. // Gina FenstererClick to tweet