for the modern catholic woman

The Blessed is She Blog

In His Heart: The 2020 Prayer Pledge // Day 6 - Blessed Is She

In His Heart: The 2020 Prayer Pledge // Day 6

Have you ever read a verse of Scripture or listened to a particular story in the Gospels and wondered, "What is Jesus talking about?! This _____ cannot possibly be as simple as He explains it!" The verse to guide our prayer today from the Gospel of St. Matthew is one such verse for me...
In His Heart: The 2020 Prayer Pledge // Day 5 - Blessed Is She

In His Heart: The 2020 Prayer Pledge // Day 5

The song we are reflecting today is one of my top three favorite worship songs. A few months ago, I was flying home from the Southern BIS Shine Retreat when I had a powerful encounter with God on the airplane as I was listening to this song...
In His Heart: The 2020 Prayer Pledge // Day 4 - Blessed Is She

In His Heart: The 2020 Prayer Pledge // Day 4

It was a hot summer day in August. I was standing outside cell block 11, where Saint Maximilian Kolbe was martyred, the starvation bunker where he survived for almost two weeks. A simple priest who gave his life for a man he did not even know. Head bowed, tears streaming down my face, I just started talking to St. Max...
The Deeper Meaning of Your Favorite Christmas Movies - Blessed Is She

The Deeper Meaning of Your Favorite Christmas Movies

I have loved old, classic movies from the time I was a little girl. I prided myself on being a film aficionado, memorizing the dialogue and finding out random facts...
The Practice of Counting Daily Gratefuls - Blessed Is She

The Practice of Counting Daily Gratefuls

I was driving home from Mass one Sunday this summer. A friend suddenly was unable to attend our plans for a concert at a local church. She had double booked...
On the History of the Living Rosary - Blessed Is She

On the History of the Living Rosary

My relationship with praying the Rosary has been off and on for the past ten years. Returning home from Marian pilgrimage sites, for a time I would earnestly pray the...
The Feast + Gospel of St. Matthew - Blessed Is She

The Feast + Gospel of St. Matthew

Can I tell you something? Long before I had a personal relationship with Jesus or a prayer life of any depth, I would always roll my eyes if on Sunday...
Sts. Monica and Augustine: Lessons from a Famous Mother-Son Duo in the Church - Blessed Is She

Sts. Monica and Augustine: Lessons from a Famous Mother-Son Duo in the Church

As I have grown in my faith, I have gotten to know and make closer spiritual friendships with a wide variety of holy men and women. Like many of you,...
BIS Reads: Rebuking the Devil - Blessed Is She

BIS Reads: Rebuking the Devil

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to look around at the state of our chaotic world to see the reality that evil and the Devil do, in fact, exist. Violence,...
Foodie Shows to Watch on Netflix (and How They Show Us the Beauty of Creation + Community) - Blessed Is She

Foodie Shows to Watch on Netflix (and How They Show Us the Beauty of Creation + Community)

I like food, especially a good sweet treat. But I know I need the personal accountability of a plan like following Weight Watchers. I find it helps me have a...
The Experience of Mother's Day without Children - Blessed Is She

The Experience of Mother's Day without Children

As I look at my May calendar, I wonder what type of gift I should get my mom for Mother’s Day. Maybe a gift certificate to Barnes and Noble or...
How Parishes Can Support New Female Converts - Blessed Is She

How Parishes Can Support New Female Converts

At the parish I work at, one of my new responsibilities is overseeing the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). While there were a few learning curves, the experience...