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A Detached Life
18 And he said, ‘I will do this: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods....
He Knows Your Name
Have you ever seen the movie The Prince of Egypt? It is based on the Exodus account of Moses and his liberation of the Hebrews from slavery to the Egyptians,...
Created for Community
The First Reading today grips my heart. Can you imagine? Discerning that your death is near and trying to encourage and instruct your son in the faith one last time?...
Being Known
“You are of more value than many sparrows.” We are of more value than the sparrows that are not forgotten before God, and the hairs of our heads are numbered....
Emotion: The Gift of the Spirit
There is something about worship music that completely overtakes me. As I lift my hands up in praise and as I worship Him with the congregation, I am always...
Being Cultivated
As a young Christian I sometimes focused more on what I was not supposed to do. Don't love the best seat in the synagogues. Don't load people with burdens...
Breaking the Chains
Do parts of Scripture ever remind you of movie scenes? I always think of the movie Braveheart when I hear Saint Paul remind the Galatians to "stand firm therefore...
Oh, to have God give us concrete signs! Wouldn't it be great to have a direct sign from God about what choices to make for our lives? What should we...
Making Choices
I have always been so perplexed by this Gospel. The reading from the Psalms? Great. Got it. At every wedding. God is Great; God is Good; He'll take care...
Identity Transformation
Just imagine . . . a woman calling out to Jesus and telling Him that His Mother is blessed—and Jesus, in reply, tells her rather it is we who...
Wholly One, Only Whole
I am often a house divided. In fact, I spend most evenings running through a list of how much I'd like to change, and how determined I am to...
He Will Provide
"How much more will the Heavenly Father give . . . ?" Can you or I or wise theologians even begin to guess how much our Heavenly Father will...