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Lowering Our Nets Anyway - Blessed Is She

Lowering Our Nets Anyway

I skipped class, curled up in my flannel sheets, and consoled my despair with a latte when the Lord put today’s Gospel (Luke 5:1-11) on my heart. One thing that...
September 03, 2020
Awaiting the Banquet - Blessed Is She

Awaiting the Banquet

When I turned 16, my friends threw me a surprise birthday party. I would never have planned anything myself because truthfully, I assumed it would burden others and I was...
August 20, 2020
Espoused in the Fidelity of God - Blessed Is She

Espoused in the Fidelity of God

This last season of my life has been marked by a great wave of personal disappointments. My relationship unexpectedly ended. My last semester of college was cancelled as classes went...
July 06, 2020
Who is Your Eternal Teacher? - Blessed Is She

Who is Your Eternal Teacher?

My grandfather and I spent much of my childhood huddled around a magnetic drawing board completing arithmetic problems for fun. We would take breaks to eat nachos and waltz around...
June 18, 2020