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I'll Believe It When... - Blessed Is She

I'll Believe It When...

"It's not real until the moving truck pulls away from the empty house," I joke with other military wives. I have experienced the agony of plans and lives turned upside-down...
April 05, 2021
To Have Holy Courage - Blessed Is She

To Have Holy Courage

Even though I was heartbroken a year ago when our local churches stopped offering public Masses, I was filled with gratitude that at least the doors were still open. I...
March 24, 2021
Tending My Flock - Blessed Is She

Tending My Flock

Jesus, How do You shepherd all these people? You knew well Your mission from the Father and never wavered in loving. You submitted fully to the Father's will and gave...
February 22, 2021
Restoration Through Trust - Blessed Is She

Restoration Through Trust

"Girl, you've been on heart. I'm praying for you. Would love to catch up . . . call if you are free . . . I'm missing you." The text...
January 20, 2021
Your Adventure and His - Blessed Is She

Your Adventure and His

Once upon a time, my favorite book whisked me away on a new adventure each time I read it. I read that "Choose Your Own Adventure" story over and over,...
December 25, 2020
Training for Sainthood - Blessed Is She

Training for Sainthood

I’m a sucker for a good training program. It can be a challenge to eat healthier, a few weeks to a decluttered home, a small business course, or a tailored...
November 01, 2020
It Is What It Is - Blessed Is She

It Is What It Is

Tears slowly rolled down my face, catching me off-guard. It'd been over seventeen years since my grandmother died; I wasn't prepared for that wave of grief. I felt a longing...
October 06, 2020
Live to Win - Blessed Is She

Live to Win

I dreaded conditioning season as a high school athlete. Equally awful was sitting the bench, and I sat the bench for almost an entire season of volleyball my freshman year....
September 11, 2020
By the Grace of God - Blessed Is She

By the Grace of God

Saint John the Baptist never seemed like a Saint for me. How does a married woman and mother find connection with someone like John the Baptist? I don't want to...
August 29, 2020
Things Not on My Bucket List - Blessed Is She

Things Not on My Bucket List

Pain is awful. I've suffered through sickness, surgery, unmedicated labor, and natural childbirth. Not so long ago, even the pain from a measly splinter in my hand left me feeling...
July 13, 2020
When Things Don't Make Sense - Blessed Is She

When Things Don't Make Sense

Lord, attend to my sighing—do You hear me? I have so much weighing on my heart. This {day/event/broken relationship} doesn’t make sense. Injustices in the world, unfairness in our family...
June 15, 2020