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Truth Hide and Seek - Blessed Is She

Truth Hide and Seek

Ding! I groaned as I read the incoming text. “Did you happen to get to that letter of recommendation yet?” I mulled over my response as the half-finished letter sat...
March 20, 2021
I Think I Got It All Figured Out - Blessed Is She

I Think I Got It All Figured Out

I knew that I was right. I was so self-assured in fact, that I told myself I definitely didn’t need to bring it to the Lord. I ignored the whisper...
February 16, 2021
He Wants to Help - Blessed Is She

He Wants to Help

I sighed heavily as I sank into the pew, burdened by a long list of to-dos and even more consumed by fear and failure. I looked longingly at the tabernacle,...
January 26, 2021
Your Gifts Are Necessary - Blessed Is She

Your Gifts Are Necessary

She’s so articulate! I marveled as I sat through the class. Quickly, however, my admiration devolved into comparison—then gave way to jealousy and despair. I thought of all I should...
December 05, 2020
His Strength, Not Mine - Blessed Is She

His Strength, Not Mine

I ran my fingers along the old railing, reverently tracing the history etched deep into the wood grain. I’d been to the Mother Cabrini Shrine many times, scaling the steep...
November 13, 2020
Enough Is Enough - Blessed Is She

Enough Is Enough

I love a good online shopping sesh. I’ll stop short on social media for a cleverly-curated ad, suddenly convinced that this thing (non-existent in my world a mere moment before)...
October 03, 2020
He Teaches Real and Total Forgiveness - Blessed Is She

He Teaches Real and Total Forgiveness

For years I tried to bury the hurt and brush off the damage she’d caused. After all, her own childhood was abusive. Yet under all my dismissiveness (wrapped in a...
September 13, 2020
Not Even a Mangy Dog - Blessed Is She

Not Even a Mangy Dog

I have a persistent, fluffy white shadow named Otto. His hundred-pound frame follows me from room to room, flopping with a satisfied groan at my feet when I pause for...
August 05, 2020
I Won't Grow Up - Blessed Is She

I Won't Grow Up

I couldn’t wait to grow up. I couldn’t wait to get to middle school, to get my driver’s license, to head off to college, to live on my own. By...
July 05, 2020
He Stays Awake for You - Blessed Is She

He Stays Awake for You

A chill mist hung in the air as I lay sprawled on the damp ground. My eyelids grew heavy, my head even heavier, nodding clumsily under the weight of my...
June 08, 2020