My husband and I recently did a night away from our two young children. We found a hotel deal online, took an Uber into downtown, and had a nice little getaway. We were less than 20 minutes from home, and gone for less than 24 hours, but that didn’t stop me from packing four outfits and a bathing suit. Because I wanted to be prepared!
I am a planner. I like to look ahead and be prepared for all possible scenarios. I make lists; I write everything down in my calendar. I plan our meals for the week and buy exactly what I will need. I plan a schedule for each day and I stick to it. My diaper bag is full of everything we might need for an outing. I pack four different outfits for one overnight. I find comfort in being prepared, in being in control.
It’s fine to plan ahead and be prepared. And it’s even virtuous to responsibly carry out your duties for the things God has placed in your care.
But what happens when God calls you out to someplace new and bids you to leave all your comforts behind? What happens when He asks you to give up your plans and rely solely on His provision? Like the Twelve in today’s Gospel who are sent out and commanded to "Take nothing for the journey, neither walking stick, nor sack, nor food, nor money, and let no one take a second tunic." (Luke 9:3)
The Christian life requires trust. We can’t always be in control. At some point, the Lord will lead us far beyond our comfort zone and ask that we rely on Him and Him alone. It’s not a matter of if, but when. The Lord has never asked me to pack lightly, but He has asked me to trust Him with issues of infertility, difficult job transitions, the health of a child, and I’m sure many more things to come.
It may feel terrifying, but beautiful things happen when we surrender control and learn to trust. When the disciples stepped out in trust, they were able to do mighty things for God’s Kingdom. We can believe that when our turn comes, He will use us mightily for His Kingdom too.
Find a few moments today to pray this Litany of Trust. Use it to surrender your life to Jesus.
Anna Coyne is a Saint Paul native, wife, mother, and convert to the Catholic faith. When not chasing after her two young children you can probably find her teaching piano lessons, knitting, tripping over wooden train sets, or writing. Find out more about her here.