“I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit.” // John 15:1-8
Beneath the warmth of the sun, my daughter smiles as she pulls ripe lemons from the tree. She takes her time, slowly reaching up and pulling with all her strength only the “best” lemons. Her tiny bare feet sink into the damp grass, and she giggles as lemons roll out of her bucket. Her brown curls stick to her forehead, and she wipes away the sweat with her hand.
As I watch her, I am reminded how quickly I do most tasks. Without much thought. Seemingly always in a hurry. But what fruit comes from my hurry?
I see her joy and that is what I desire. I desire to work with joy. I desire to slow down. To allow the Lord to bear fruit in the everyday moments of my life, and to recognize it as beautiful.
Sister, sometimes I find myself rushing from task to task. Maybe you find yourself falling into this same habit? I would like to encourage you to slow down and breathe in the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Slow down and recognize where Jesus is bearing fruit in your day. Remain with Him throughout every moment of your day by slowing down and being present. Be present to those around you and present to the task at hand, even if it feels mundane or insignificant. These are holy places, dear sister. Holy places where the Lord is bearing much fruit.