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Don't Bury The Gift of You - Blessed Is She

Don't Bury The Gift of You

My son was learning to ride a bike. With his bright red helmet and his shoelaces tied extra tight, he wobbled unsteadily with a giant smile on his face. He...
August 28, 2021
Hidden Hurts and Hidden Places Healed - Blessed Is She

Hidden Hurts and Hidden Places Healed

My little hands trembled as I watched the slender lamp swivel and then crash to the floor, glass exploding into the air like confetti, and the burst of the light...
August 05, 2021
Light in the Total Darkness - Blessed Is She

Light in the Total Darkness

A crucifix hangs above my window. It is the first thing I see when I wake up. When I wake to nurse a baby back to sleep. When I wake...
April 30, 2021
The Cry of Healing Tears - Blessed Is She

The Cry of Healing Tears

I smiled as I watched them dance. A father and a daughter dancing together in their kitchen on camera. Her face luminous, exuding pure and unfettered joy. His face overflowing...
March 15, 2021
Performing For Others - Blessed Is She

Performing For Others

When I was younger, I wanted to be famous. I wanted to be important. I wanted to be noticed when I walked into a room. Seen and valued for my...
February 18, 2021
My Greatest Wealth - Blessed Is She

My Greatest Wealth

I have a photograph from the day of my baptism. My young mother is smiling at the camera. She had a 1980s-style perm and had just graduated high school. I’m...
January 10, 2021
An Old Table, Jesus' Ancestors, You and Me - Blessed Is She

An Old Table, Jesus' Ancestors, You and Me

The old wooden table belonged to my grandparents. My grandfather was a musician, and one week before Christmas he came home with his guitar filled with tamales and crumbled dollar...
December 17, 2020
He Remains Near - Blessed Is She

He Remains Near

My shoulders ached as I gathered up the toys and books scattered across the living room floor. Knots had settled deep into my muscles, physical remnants of a stressful week....
November 27, 2020
Not a Lizard or the Stigmata - Blessed Is She

Not a Lizard or the Stigmata

My four-year-old son bolted into the kitchen as I was cooking dinner. In his typical humorous display of emotion, he dramatically clutched his hand to his heart and stared at...
September 22, 2020
Restoration Is for You, Too - Blessed Is She

Restoration Is for You, Too

I took a deep breath and pressed my forehead against the cool surface of the window as raindrops began to fall. I was hoping to get a glimpse of her...
September 07, 2020
Hearts Change Miraculously - Blessed Is She

Hearts Change Miraculously

I first met Roger outside our local grocery store on a blistering hot summer afternoon. His bare feet were dry and peeling from walking on the scorching pavement. He had...
August 28, 2020
His Unexpected Response - Blessed Is She

His Unexpected Response

I was driving in circles after leaving the adoration chapel near our home. My tears blurred the beauty of the morning sunrise. My husband and I had argued throughout the...
July 29, 2020